Is anyone else wishing they'd bought Sonos instead?

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  • Alex

    No, not at all. I am fairly new to Bluesound but so far my equipment (Powernode 2i) works flawlessly.

    I've been a SONOS customer for 8+ years but have decided to move away from the SONOS ecosystem. For one, SONOS is not the company it used to be. Seems like all they are interested in now is suing other companies (Google and Lenbrook, for example) and alienating their user base for the sake of pleasing their shareholders. I do believe that their recent antics have a lot to do with them going public. I won't go into all the controversies here, they've been well documented elsewhere. Aside from that, I find SONOS to be less versatile and not as fully featured (fewer connectivity options, no high res support, etc). I understand everyone's situation and needs are different but, based on my admittedly limited experience, no regrets whatsover.

    Hope you find a solution to your issue. 

  • Simon Tippett

    I use Sonos and Bluesound Node 2i and I've almost totally stopped using Sonos, the quality isn't any where near as good and Sonos are hard to get going when you have connection issues. I've just swapped my listening rooms around with BS in my main room and I use it every day now without issues...I will say that the Sonos support is much better when things go wrong though...

  • Stephen Horvath

    I have never had Sonos, but I do love my Node 2i. It is attached to my network with Ethernet. I have been using it everyday for over one year and I haven't had any issues. Sorry you are dissatisfied. 

  • Magnus J

    I have both and Sonos certainly isn't flawless, since there new S2 version of app many have problems, included me.
    Also there is now new and old Sonos hardware that cant coexist in the same environment, and many people have heavily invested in Sonos hw that now cant use them together.

  • Kev Page

    Not at all, I’ve not owned Sonos gear before, I came to own my Powernode 2i this week and haven’t had a single problem, I love it!

    I came from running a rasp pi with a Boss Dac fed into an amp, running volumio, I wanted something more stable and do genuinely believe I’ve found it with the Powernode. Very happy 😁


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