

  • Official comment
    Sam R.

    Hello Steven,

    Currently this is not possible on the Node, but is on the C368 or C658.

    In the meantime I will pass this comment forward to our Quality Assurance as a Feature Request for the Node for future consideration. 

    Sam R.

  • Steven Schot

    Thanks Sam

  • Steven Schot

    Any news from the Quality Assurance as a  Feature Request for the Node??

    Looking forward to any news with interest.



  • Steven Schot

    Any update to communicate?

  • Cesar B.

    Probably not exactly the same as Steven's request but related. I'm interested in the Initial Volume. I upgraded from the cheaper Yamaha WXC-50 to the Node 2i because of Tidal Connect and MQA. With the Yamaha you can set an initial volume (e.g. at -50db) every time you turn on or wake up the unit. This is a preventive measure from sounding too loud if you forgot you were listening Iron Maiden at -5dB, or worse if the wife wants to hear some relaxing music! So my suggestion is to add a pre-set min volume or Initial Volume every time I wake up the Node 2i.

  • Steven Schot

    Because the Node 2i is always on, only after a power fail or power drop the unit will wake up. This is making this request quite unlogical, in my personal opinion. And as long as the Power Amp is in low volume, it does not matter if the Node is in a reduced voluem output mode or not.

  • Cesar B.

    Hi Steven,

    I understand your thought because I didn't explain that my power amp is a Crown xli800, it has two volume knobs (for left and right channels) no app, no remote control, so that explains my need to have an Initial Volume; my main control is the Node 2i. Interested to hear what Blue sound has to say.

  • Stefan Mehre


    Steven is absolutely right, the problem is the Bluesound devices are never powered off. They stay in standby and you only make them pause or play. So with that when do you wanna trigger the initial volume preset? Every time you make them play? 
    OK, maybe it would be combinable with the wakeup from amplifier standby if that one is setup. Maybe that one would be something Bluesound can think of. But it needs to be a on/off setable feature.

    One thing you can try, setup Presets for you and your wife to start playback. There you can add the volume value when these start. But I am not shure, never tryed that, if these change the volume for the player and stay at this level when changing content. But I would expect the player stays at this level.

  • Tony W.
    Product Support Manager

    @Stefan Your theory will work and one we often recommend for the POWERNODE or SOUNDBAR when switching from TV to Music and back and forth as Dolby audio is often mixed 6-12 dB lower than Stereo (Part of the reason why some commercials are SO LOUD WHEN THE START). 

  • Stefan Mehre

    Hi Tony,

    do you mean the Preset way?
    How would you use this with TV input?

    Mostly I would setup autosense for TV input, but with that it will not start a preset only switch the input.

  • Tony W.
    Product Support Manager

    Yes, Stefan - use a combo of the preset and IR programming to turn on the TV and select the SOUNDBAR's input to Optical or HDMI at the set volume by programming the TV On button to be the SOUNDBAR's select Preset 1 IR command.


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