Volume buttons keep controling Bluesound volume




  • Official comment
    Tony W.
    Product Support Manager

    You can disable the widget in the Notification settings of your phone. That should resolve your concerns.

  • KriHad

    Thanks for this, Tony. Was an annoyance before. Marthijn, try set the notification importance to "trivial"; it retains the widget, but removes the volume "conflict".

  • Sjerk


    I have the same issue, but I cannot resolve this. I have a Samsung S20+

    I have disabled all app notifications for BluOs (sorry Dutch...):


    But when I play a video and press the volume buttons I get this bar (instead the media volume):


    Of course I can pull this bar and then change the media volume:

    But this is very annyoing if you want to quick change the volume (because the volume is way to loud) or you watch a video with different volumes.

    is there a sollution for this? The only way of BluOs stopping from "stealing" the volume focus is to force stop the BluOs app.


  • Jan Gumeus

    Have the same problem. All notifications disabled. Volume rockers still controlling Bluesound volume. Very annoying. LG G7, Android version 10.

  • Sam R.
    Hello all, 
    In speaking with one of our Android developers, they have mentioned that this is how a the media widget work on Android -- similar to what other media apps do when media is actively playing outside the current context. When the volume controls are pressed that media widget takes precedence over other volume controls. The same occurs with examples such as Spotify playing via Spotify Connect on a Bluetooth device.
    That being said we have forwarded this to our QA Team for future review. 
    Sam R.
  • Sjerk

    Thanks for your reply.

    An option to disable the volume control outside the BluOs would be very handy. I personlly only want to controll the BluOs sound if I'm in the BluOs app.

    An other idea would be an "exit" option in the menu of BluOs. Now the only way I can fully exit the BluOs app is by forceing a stop in the android configuration.

  • Kris F

    Same problem here and only had the Pulse2i soundbar for 2 weeks and was on the verge of returning it. I enjoy the product but annoying when i want to control the volume of a ringtone or other app on my phone while listening to music. Force close seems too much of a hassle and should not be the solution. After watching TV and I'm in bed, i still have to force close the app to regain control of my phone volume control. Poor poor design BlueSound

  • Sjerk

    I don't understand why there can't be an "Exit" function in the BlueOS menu?  This will solve our problem right?

  • Bjørn Ulvik

    Most likely you'll have to wait 15 min. before your Soundbar enters stand-by, or you can change the source from HDMI or optical to i.e TuneIn (and start playing) and you should be able to "swipe" BlueOS away.

  • Daina Wilburn

    Has this been resolved by BluSound? I'm a LONG time streamer and have used phone apps on my Android phone for music playback for close to 10 years. I'm also a long time audiophile and ex audio salesman who sold NAD. I recently purchased a C-658. I'm coming from, most recently, the Raspberry PI world, using Logitech media server to control music through my whole house using this and at least 2 other Android phones. I wanted to simplify my main system and replaced 5 different devices with this product. I'm very careful and cautious about the use of my system. However tonight, I opened the app and hit play. The volume was maxed out. The distortion coming from my Magnepan speakers was incredible. I reached for the pause button, but couldn't immediately find it. I stood up, ran across the room and turned it off.

    As I've said I have used apps from several other entities. Volumio, LMS, Max Play, etc etc and this issue has never happened. I've looked through the app and my phone and it does not seem to be fixable. At this point, I'm afraid to turn the system back on for fear of learning the damage that's been done. I remember getting a phone call earlier, between plays, and I had to turn the volume up all the way to hear. I simply have never had this issue. I'm likely tearing the system down, regardless of damage or no damage. It's inexcusable. And don't give me that "Androids are all different" thing. I've been streaming, using my phone, for at least 7 years, 4 phones and 5 apps. I'm not sure I can calm down - I'm still shaking. I think this is going back to Lenbrook in pieces. And I'm not kidding. Say what you will. When this happens to a careful 45 year audiophile, it's bound to have happened to someone else. No warning no nothing anywhere. If this has been resolved and I am haven't damaged my speakers and subwoofers I'll consider chalking it up to being a new user. Otherwise, no way. I don't lash out as a firm rule, but at the moment I'm just finding this inexcusable. 

  • Marthijn Ketelaar

    Hello Daina,


    I am a Hifi Shop owner, but with my current phone (xiaomi) and tabled (Ipad mini) I don't have this problem anymore.

    I just checked again and I opened the BluOS app to control the C658.Then I moved the BluOS app to the background (didn't closed it completely) after this  the volume buttoms didn't do any thing with the level of the music.


    So it seams to work fine for me. I had a customer that used samsung and had this problem a year ago, don't know if he still has it.


    Greating from The Netherlands  

  • Alexander Pusz

    It's still an issue. I've got Galaxy S20 and when I "close" BlueOS app and Powernode Edge is set to optical-in I still control volume of Powernode instead of ringtones (default). I need to "kill" app to get my volume back. Is it possible to fix this?

    EDIT: I use optical-in for TV. This happens when TV is on. Then I can't swipe widget out and need to kill blueos app to get rigntoes volume back. This is very annoying as when someone at home turn TV on blueos app takes control of my phone. I've got notifications turned off, as was suggested above.

  • Milan Kecman

    I still have the issue. My volume button on the phone is always taken by the bluos and I need to use other means to change the volume on anything else.

    One plus 9
    Android 13
    Current bluos app
    Bluesound connected to a TV via hdmi arc and I use it with Bluetooth too.

    The app is not open in the background / open apps. The app widget is not visible on the lock screen, or at least when it is I swipe it away.

    I've tried all the suggestions above. The bluos app notifications have been completely disabled. I've also reinstalled the app a number of times.

  • Craig PARKER

    I have the same problem. The only way to fix it is to turn the phone off and on again or switch to Spotify and select to play from phone.

  • Milan Kecman

    Unfortunately that still doesn't work. Even when I'm not on my home WiFi network it is still a problem and looks like BluOS is the first option for volume control. I just now need a way to switch between hdmi arc and Bluetooth without the bluos app.

    I think part of the issue is because on this phone I use it for playing music from YouTube music but on my other android phone that doesn't have the problem I only really use the switching source from hdmi arc to Bluetooth feature of the app. My other phone that works I sometimes stream with Spotify.

  • Karl Norrena

    I have the same issue. Its annoying enough that i wont buy another bluesound product. Hard to believe this has been unresolved for so long.

  • Max Hollyman

    I have to same issue with my Samsung fold 3. A long hold on my the blue sound app until options appear press i on the top left and choose force close, job done.

  • Craig PARKER

    Thanks,this is a good work around but shouldn't be necessary though.

  • Apoorvgoyal

    The issue still exists. The easiest way I have found to resolve is to swipe down the notification bar and press the "pause" button on the buleOS widget. Then swipe left to remove the widget as an active widget.

    It would be really helpful if the BlueOS team can resolve this.

  • Tony W.
    Product Support Manager

    Hi Apoorvgoyal

    This cannot be resolved by BluOS Development as it appears to be an exception error in Android v12. In our Quality Assurance research, it is only affecting devices running Android 12. It does not happen in 13 on and in versions 11 and older.

  • Apoorvgoyal

    I have s22 with Android 13.

  • Alexander Pusz

    I don't get this. With my Wahoo ELEMNT app I've got exit via double tapping back button. That's it, simple and efficient. How come this can't be added?

  • Chris Tyas

    Tony W - can I ask what issue you are referring to? There appear to be two issues in discussion here. one regarding Bluos widget behaviour and another which is the title of the issue: VOLUME BUTTONS (phone hardware buttons) KEEP CONTROLING BLUESOUND VOLUME.

    If you are saying that the this issue (phone hardware buttons continuing to prioritise and manipulate whatever device or group was last selected in the Bluos app even when not connected to the same wifi network as the Bluos devices or even the phone being in the same County as the Bluos devices) is only an issue in Android 12 then you are incorrect; this is absolutely the default behaviour in Android 13 and app version 3.20.5.

    I believe that this horrible and inappropriate behaviour is actually a design choice by Bluos as it has been acknowledged by Bluos staff on other forum threads and in private support emails and the official response is that in order to remove the Bluos priority from the Phone hardware buttons the user should 1. long hold the Bluos app software button, 2. select the 'i' in a circle, 3. tap 'Force Stop'. Basically every time they leave the house or want to adjust the volume of the video they are watching on their phone or the music they are listening to via the phone with the phone hardware buttons.

    For that to be the official response to this issue is literally a joke within the industry; I don't believe any other hardware control Android app manifests this behaviour or requires a force stop of the app under any normal operating circumstances.

    My hope is that the forthcoming v4 mobile app:

    BluOS™ Announces 4.0 Mobile Application Update – BluOS

    ..which was announced in Feb 2023 and will 'public launch in the Spring of 2023' removes/remedies this behaviour. No problem with Bluos being the default for the phone volume hardware buttons after the app has been accessed but as soon as any other app on the device plays audio the focus for the buttons should change to this, pretty much like any other streaming control app.

  • Onno

    Found a workaround, at least on a Moto G 200.

    1. Go to Settings
    2. "Apps"
    3. "BluOS" (or 'See all apps' and then find BluOS)
    4. Battery
    5. Change to 'Restricted'
    6. (Not sure if optional or required: but, you may need to disable notifications as well)

    Now BluOS won't stay awake in the background indefinitely, and won't handle the volume controls when you don't want it to.

    Frankly, the app acting as a media handler should really have been an option you can turn off in the app...

  • Luis Argote

    Opening the BluOS app means that it'll remain as the "media output" indefinitely which is not desirable behavior. Hours after I have stopped using my NAD M10 (and it has been turned off), it still is intercepting the volume up/down button presses (which turns the M10 back on).

    Also, as others have mentioned, there's no situation in which I want my phone intercepting volume changes and routing them to my BluOS device if I'm not actively in the BluOS app (foreground process) or the app casting to it (e.g.: Spotify).

    Galaxy Z Fold 4 with Android 13 here.

  • Marek Gierlinski

    "This cannot be resolved by BluOS Development as it appears to be an exception error in Android v12. In our Quality Assurance research, it is only affecting devices running Android 12. It does not happen in 13 on and in versions 11 and older."

    Tony, I have a Samsung tablet which had Android 13 until yesterday and was updated to Android 14. The problem persists in both versions.

  • Craig PARKER

    I have Android 14 and it has the same problem. 


  • Mitch

    confirm same annoying behaviour on multiple Android phones including up to date Android 14 Samsung S23 phone.
    Can this please be fixed? It is really annoying and unwanted and unintended design.

  • Arcturus E

    Just got a Bluenode device yesterday, for now I just tap and hold onto the BluOS icon in the android drawer -> Go to App Info -> Force Stop.

  • Peter de Vos

    Install macrodroid and make the following macro: trigger: received notification Bluos,then delete notifications bluos


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