On Mac running macOS Catalina, unable to create local shares with wizard or manually

Followed by 3 people



  • Official comment
    Tony W.
    Product Support Manager

    Hi Arko

    Please follow these screenshots. If they don't work, please select Help, Send Support Request in the App so we may see the log file and help troubleshoot further.



  • Arko Chakrabarty


    Many thanks for this... unfortunately, I'd tried the steps in the PDF you sent the link for previously, to no avail... I had been wondering in fact, if it might indeed be a problem with my router, as I tried creating a local share from a Windows 10 Virtual Machine I had as well, and that resulted in exactly the same error... also, I sent a support request from my iPhone BluOS app, however never received the confirmation email (so I'm not sure if you guys actually got the request)... but I'm guessing it might be better if I perhaps resend the request from my macOS BluOS controller, as then you guys might be able to get the Log from my Mac?

    Many thanks again for the help,

    Arko Chakrabarty

  • Tony W.
    Product Support Manager

    HI Arko

    Don't use VM Ware for this - it will never work without serious futzing... 

    You are right, we didn;t receive the log file. I am opening a request from this side and we will be in touch.

  • Arko Chakrabarty

    Many thanks for this Tony -- is there anything I have to do from my end to send through the log file?

    Thanks again,


  • Tony W.
    Product Support Manager

    They will let you know when they e-mail you. We are backlogged at Support due to the pandemic so it may be a day or two,

  • Arko Chakrabarty

    Thanks very much, much appreciated!


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