How to force BluOS to play formats that are not supported by Node 2i?

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  • Official comment
    Tony W.
    Product Support Manager

    You can't...

    That being said;

    • If your content is 24/192 and your external DAC does not support 24/192 - don't use an external DAC and give the onboard DAC through Analogue out a try, your ears may surprise you
    • If you external DAC is MQA certified and you are not getting a full unfold, in your NODE audio settings select External MQA DAC - if you DAC is not MQA Certified set it to off and you will enjoy a single unfold up to 24/96 - (again for full MQA unfold, try the analogue outs)
    • If you have DSD files, rather than a high processing realtime DoP conversion - please use the BluOS App for Windows or Mac's DSD conversion Wizard;


  • ouafi

    That is a major drawback for me. The only reason why I bought Node 2i is because I can use it as a streamer with an superior external DAC that can support more files formats. Otherwise, why limiting the formats that can be read by BluOS to the ones that are supported by the internal DAC of the Node 2i? why advertising that we can use Node 2i with an external DAC if you force the limitations of the internal DAC in BluOS? are you planning to remove this limitation in BluOS one day? are there other apps that I can use with Node 2i and that do not have this limitation?

    If there is no solution to this issue, I will return my Node 2i back to the seller. As a streamer, Node 2i should have no limitations in file formats if used with an external DAC

    Regarding DSD files, I understand that I need to convert them to another format via the conversion tool to be able to read them. That means that I will lose the quality of DSD files, although my external DAC is capable of playing them. This is another issue for me

  • Tony W.
    Product Support Manager

    HI Ouafi

    Do not confuse formats supported with your DAC not being able to play 24/192 files. Other than DSD conversion, the NODE is pretty universal in format playback;


  • ouafi

    Understood, but already DSD is an issue for me. Why this limitation if Node 2i is used with an external DAC? a lot of people buy 2i because it can be used with an external DAC. Everybody know that the internal DAC of 2i is not the best. Most people use Node as a streamer only

  • Mark A Blom

    I have to agree ouafi. I have a Nice DSD Dac and DSD files. The only way to play them to not have them turned into FLAC is going from my computer to my DAC to get the full DSD. Thus by passing the Node 2i. I find the node 2i DAC to be a very good one but not as great as they make it out to be. Yes you have to spend a lot in a DAC to beat it but I did that and A/B ing  the Node 2i DAC to my other DAC the node 2i can't quite keep up. so it would be nice if the node 2i just passed the files through to a DAC no matter what they are,


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