Quobuz app
AnsweredI sent in a request to Quobuz customer service to ask why albums can't be indexed and are only added in chronological order. They said the following:
we just provide them with access to the service. Any questions regarding when they are planing to issue updates must be addressed with their support team.
Is this a Bluos issue or a Quobuz issue? I really like the SQ of Quobuz but don't like the wonky interface. Can someone provide some guidance?
Official comment
Hi Tim
At the risk of putting you in a circular loop, the API they provide doesn't include the ability to sort until it has been loaded...
I am forwarding this along to our QA team for review though.
I'd also like to add my request too. There is no sorting available for favourite albums - only the order in which they were added. This really does limit the usability of Qobus with my Node 2i.
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