bluos titles text size and three dot size
Followed by 3 people
Hi all, using a pad from a coffee table to run bluos I am finding that:
The touch areas of the three dots which pulls up track info is too small.
. sometimes it takes me a few goes for it to register my touch and it's not the screen on the pad. The area and size of the three dots is far too small for a touch screen. You can see the size of the clickable area after it has been touched as it highlights and it is very small.
Also the text of the track/ artist is again far too small to be seen sitting on a sofa just feet away. The album art is big enough but the text beside it is way too small on the UI.
Yes I do wear glasses but im not Mr Magoo.
The UI on tablets especially could do with using the real estate better just to make it more usable and readable on pads. The touch areas need to be bigger especially the three dots.
Official comment
Hi Iain
Thanks for the feedback. The touch area for the three dots is a little bigger than you think, shade to the left a bit as it also includes the resolution/service icon as it's closer to an 80/20 split than you think.
That being said, I have passed the feedback along to Quality Assurance...
I second that!
Using a Samsung Galaxy Tab...
It happens so often that instead of giving me the context menu, the song begins playing!
Very frustrating.
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