Google Assistant setup problem
AnsweredHi. I'm trying to set up Google Assistant for my NAD M10 and Pulse Mini 2i but just can't get either device visible in Google Home.
Following your support document (, I'm failing at the first hurdle:
After setting up your Google Assistant onto your wireless network you will need to configure it to work with your BluOS devices. To do this, say "Hey Google, let me talk to Blue Voice". The Google Assistant will then walk you through the setup process.
Unfortunately, Google doesn't recognise Blue Voice and just does the usual google search for voice commands it doesn't understand.
Am I missing something here?
Official comment
Hello Mark,
Over the past few days we have received similar reports of Google Assistant not responding to Blue Voice commands. Upon looking into this further and reaching out to Google directly, there appears to have been an issue with Google's servers which has left many Google Assistant actions removed from their service.We are currently working directly with Google to try to restore the Blue Voice action as soon as possible but for the time being it appears that this is a larger issue with Google's servers.
Wesley P. -
I thought to setup Google assistant and soon encountered the issues mentioned in this thread. I don't want to setup Google home as described here. That is absolutely not just friendly and it makes me wonder if I haven't made the wrong choice. Don't get me wrong, I do like the sound, but having in this age to go through this hassle for some voice control and integration in the smart home setup is shameful. Especially for a product that is supposed to be in the higher end segment. BlueOS please do your homework and provide a fool proof method. If sonos can do it., if philips hue can do it, if Tado can do it, you should be able to do it as well.
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I've managed to get it working by only enabling English voice in Google Assistant. You can't activate BluVoice with 2 languages enabled.
That said, it works awful! Google Assistant almost cuts my command every time, as I spend most of the commands by saying "Ask Blue Voice to..".
Oh and BTW: IT DOES NOT WORK WITH SPOTIFY!!Waste of time - even Sonos works better than this. Back to drawing board guys. So disappointed about this build up. Never in my life imagined that something like this could end up in this way. It is awful and simply not user friendly in both setup and use.
There must be an option for speaking directly to Google instead of the "Ask Blue Voice to.." and replace it with the simple commands "Play liked songs in Spotify on Soundbar 2i"2 -
Replying here instead of making a new thread because this is the top Google result for this problem.
Instead of saying "setup" try "start". After a dozen + failed attempts getting assistant to recognise "setup" I randomly tried other keywords and "start" worked.
That being said, having a voice-only account setup is crap for accessibility. Yes, I am aware it's a smart voice OS, but lots of people use routines to get around having to use the developer's choice of words or to shortcut several voice commands into one. So - please devs - add a non-voice config option, ideally the native Google Assistant integration where you 'Add a device configured in another service' and maybe even control basic tasks from directly in the Home app.
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Hi Tony,
I understand what you are saying, but it is a bit tone deaf if you ask me.
We all spend a significant amount on the products of Lenbrook (BlueOS, NAD) but the integration of the Google Assistant is so much worse than f.e. the google voice integration of your competitor Sonos.
For me it's hard to explain to my family that I switched from Sonos to a couple of thousands worth of Bluesound/NAD, while simple use of voice commands don't work.
As another example, the voice commands of the Philips Hue lights, I don't have to first ask to talk to a HueVoice. It just does what I ask.
I really hope you start listening, else I cannot in all honesty recommend your products to other people.
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Hi Tony, if the integration is fullly certified, why can it not be found on any of the google assistant sites?
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This is the cludgiest 'integration' with Google I've ever seen. Example - I want to get Google to play a UK radio station, so I normally have to say "Talk to Boom Radio" . With BluOS integration I would need to say "Talk to BluVoice to talk to Google to play Boom Radio" and of course, it doesn't work. Your comment about this being developed with Google and fully certified is just not right; if that was the case it would be in Google's list of services and it is not. Please spend some time to get this working properly - it's obvious from this thread that this integration approach is extremely inefficient.
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This is still a case, four years after the original post. I contacted Support and got this reply:
As of June 13th, Google has made the decision to discontinue Voice Actions, and as a result of this have shut down the bridge between their service and Bluesound.
At this time, Google has not provided a planned alternative path if any. Please contact Google directly regarding their future plans once they discontinue this service.
That being said, other BluOS control options such as using Presets or the BluOS App are of course readily available to you.Just purchased BlueSound over Sonos, and to be honest: this is turning into one of the most ridiculous user journeys I have encountered. Better yet, Bluesound leave the inconvenience for me. Where's your dev teams, Bluesound? Pull yourself together.
If you end up here before buying Bluesound, I would seriously reconsider and explore other options.
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I still can't get it to work at all. Useless guide and hopeless way to set it up. Give us an app where we can set it up!
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The problem is that Blue Voice isn't available in Google Home. So to sum up, your guide does not work, as BluVoice can't be found? I don't see this as Googles problem, but yours, since BluVoice isn't there.
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Discard the BluVoice and integrate it deeply like any other device, that supports Google Cast feature. I really don't believe that Bluesound should be so deep in the pockets of Apple that you risk moving Android users to Sonos.
But think about that users will need to make a quite long, and complex voice command, when adding the "Hey Google, ask BluVoice to play The Voice in Tunein".
It is simply too complex to not be annoyed by giving such a long command every time.
For me, the voice commands are over for now at the BluVoice.
Simply because of the setup is like playing roulette - you might be lucky once, and the fact that heavy weight players like Spotify doesn't work at all.1 -
Just recently purchased a node 2i - was hoping it would work with Google assistant, but honestly, what a load of crap... after an hour of back and forth account resets, setting up services, an hour of child like commands with "Hey Google.... prefixes" i'm at the point where i'm seriously considering using my 30 day return window. How can you have a "modern" wireless solution that doesn't have clean voice integration ? Even though i've technically got this set up, i can ask it ( if i can remember the damn command "paragraph" ) to play Tidal, or play Radio paradise, after which thats it - its locked into that service unless i restart via the app. There's zero continuation on commands, so if i get it wrong, it dumps out and you have to start again.... dreadful...
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Absolutely love the sound of the NAD T778 icw the Bluesound Pulse mini 2i in the kitchen.
But I really have to say... The integration of Google assistant in comparison with my previous Sonos speakers is horrendous.
Seems Bluesound/BlueOS is still in the previous era when it comes to voice assistants.
Please improve this so I didn't invest that money in a platform that is not up to th level it should be.
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Antknee Williamson Hi Tony and wider community!
Just did a factory reset on all my devices as well as set up an entire new Mesh network with Nest and Google assistant.
When I use the command "Let me talk to BluVoice" Google assistant responds that the devices are not setup for my language (English) or my country (The Netherlands). Any insights on a workaround or enablement for Europe/The Netherlands?
I must echo some of the comments that the connectivity to 3rd party SW/HW like Google is pretty disappointing.
Thanks for your insights or solutions!
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My language isn't English so how should I tell Google Assistant to setup Blue Voice? Why isn't Blue Voice in the list of supported services in Google home as everything else I connect to Google home? When the support for Google Assistant is so bad why anounce it at all? All it does is making me frustrated...
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After some frustrating attemps, I finally got this working with support from the Bluos team. I had to repeat the steps a few times and had to reinstall the google assistant on my android device to purge all my language settings (Dutch) to make sure only English is installed. You could later add your own language after installation.
Answer 1:
In this case, I would advise making sure that your BluOS Player name/room name is set to Living Room by going to Settings -> Player on the BluOS Controller App and manually type in "Living Room" (without quotations, and it is case sensitive).
Next, go to Music Services -> Google Assistant -> Logout on the BluOS Controller App. Once that is done, refresh the BluOS Controller App by closing it first before re-opening the BluOS App. From here, log back into your Google account and test again to see if the problem persists.
Also, in order to set up Google Assistant, please make sure that the Google assistant primary or secondary language is set to English through the Google Home app. At this time BluOS integration with Google Assistant is only available if your Google Assistant is configured with English as your primary language. With English as your primary language, please follow the steps in the article below to configure Google Assistant to your BluOS devices.
On the other hand, please note that for any music source outside of Radio Paradise OR your local library, please set up a preset in BluOS. You can find out how to do that at;
You will have to create presets for your specified/favourite music album/playlist from any of the music streaming service (i.e Tidal, Qobuz, Deezer, etc.). From here, talk to Blue Voice to play the numbered preset in the "Room Name" of your BluOS Player.
For example, if the "Room Name" of your BluOS Player is "Living Room" and the Preset number of the favourited music album/playlist is "3", then you will say "Hey Google, talk to Blue Voice", then "Play Preset 3 in the Living Room".This still didn't work, however following Answer 2 it worked. The main difference is the step to remove BluOS Voice Skill
Answer 2:
In order to resolve this, you will need to re-establish the connection between Google Assistance and your BluOS players. This needs to be done individually for each player. Please use the BluOS App and log out of Google Assistance in the Music Services menu. Once logged out, unplug all your BluOS players from power.
Now enter Google Assistant App (edit: I found no way to remove Blue Voice in the Google Home app, but you can remove it here: and remove the BluOS Voice Skill from your account.
With Google purged from BluOS and BluOS purged from Google, reconnect your BluOS devices and reconnect everything to your Google account and re-enable the Voice Skill
I personally needed to do this a few times before the connection with Google Assistant was successful. Since then I have had 0 issues.To get rid of the irritating long questions starting with "Ask Blue Voice... " you can use the Routines in Google Home. Example Routine with starter: if you say "Radio Paradise" the routine does action: "Talk to blue voice to play radio paradise in the Living Room".
I used the same trick with my logitech hub. Logi also worked with a routine in Dutch and the command in English, however the combination of Google Assistant/Blue Voice doesn't like this and ends up in a search routine.
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Mounhim has got it right.
Honestly at the level you've got Google assistant integration working currently, it would be better to not have it at all..
Surely you can do better?1 -
I've experienced the same. Nothing happens when asking Google for setting up BluVoice. I've managed to login into my Google Account in the BluOS.
The guide for setting it up is ridiculous! Your only option for setting the BlueSound speaker up is via Googles voice control. Why haven't managed to make it visible via Googles Home app as Sonos can be? I don't see the reason for co-operating with Apple in that way, that it limits you for working with other brands?0 -
Hello, when will this problem be solved?
Rick0 -
Hi Rick
Google resolved their issue on October 21st - sorry I missed updating this thread.
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Hi Lasse
Thanks for the feedback - that App is the Google Home App. We are simply following their guidelines and requirements. If you are having issues, beyond the above recommended instructions, please contact Google.
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Hi Lasse
In the BluOS App, please select Music Services, Google Assistant and logout. Select Help, Diagnostics, Reboot. Once your Player returns to Ready (blue LED), try setting it up again. If the problem persists, please select Help, Send Support Request so we may see your log file.
Thanks for your patience
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Nothing helps.
Google doesn't see Blue Voice.
Reboot doesn't reboot.
App is glitching.
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same here........verry disappointing.....
does anyone have this working on a NAD M10.
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Same her.
Google assistant does not see blue voice.
Got powernode, pulse and flex speakers.
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Did you troubleshoot your Google Assistant?
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Hi Lasse
Thanks for your feedback and we appreciate your frustration - Express your concerns to Spotify as well. Spotify's Connect model does not allow for their API to send commands required by BluVoice.
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We have been trying to get this working, but it does not seem to recognize any of the players. If we ask to play music in the living room, it tries to play music on the flex Rex? We have a Pulse 2, Pulse Flex, Bassbox and a Powernode. None of it starts playing music. Very frustrated that after one hour of trying different things, none seems to work. Also disappointing that it cannot work with Spotify and controls are too long to remember.... We gave up, although this was the reason why we bought the Google Assistant.
Any plans of making it a bit more user friendly?
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Please help your customers by putting all your effort in updating your software. Many of us have payed big money to get the best of the best. We also expect you to give us the experience we are paying for.
I spend 6 hours to get it working poorly!
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Just purchased an M10. Have same problem as op: I can't get past step one. Voice setup doesn't work. Google Home app does not recognize the M10 if I try to set it up with the Home app. I tried recycling the M10, the Bluos app, the home app and the phone. I tried signing into and out of Google Assistant music service in the Blusos app. Anything else I should try?
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