Been able to share as a NAS (SMB )the HD connected by cable to the node/MDC BLUOs module
I understand i could connect an HD by cable to a node or MDC module, it would work well for a big HD ? or will re index everytime the node goes on ?
The think is, it is not nice, to add more music, to have to disconnect it from the node/MDC module, disconnect the energy cable, put it near the computer, connect the energy cable, connect the HD to the computer, put more music, then disconnect from the computer, disconnect from the energy, move it where the node/MDC is, connect it to he energy and then connect again the HD to the node.
I think by far A LOT easier would be if the Node/MDC module could share in local network ( in SAMBA ) the HD , so we could add more music using WIFI and SAMBA without disconnecting the HD from the node/MDC etc...
Official comment
Hi Kerouack
I couldn't agree more regarding the experience, which is why we recommend a proper NAS (also for the security and stability of your network).
Have you considered a middle approach? Most routers purchased or obtained in past 4 or 5 years include a USB port on the back. Check your router's onboard server and/or documentation on how to attach the USB drive directly to the router for a very cost-effective NAS solution.
HEllo, lately there are less and less routers with that functionality, and usually the new mesh routers that we all will have pretty soon don’t have it. So from my understanding , if we pay 500 euros for a bluesound node or mdc BluOS that functionally should be included, it is not anything strange, in a fact just a blackberry pi can do it , and the node has a good processor, memory and a good OS so I don’t see any reason to having to buy another stuff like a NAS or another router.
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