Request more transparency / change in the way BlueSound handles Support tickets and feature requests.
It has been my experience that when issues arise with BlueSound players, or the firmware, or the apps, your response is to direct users to submit a ticket instead of issuing a public response.
It has also been my experience that when users do submit tickets, the tickets get closed as “solved” even though the issues persist.
If the answer is “it’s a bug, we are working on it, thank you for your patience” why not say that publicly?
Similarly, if the answer is “we removed that advertised feature and will not reimplement it” or “We will not/ can not support a feature. thanks for living in Hi Fi” why not say that in public?
My request is for more transparency and honesty in how you deal with your clients.
Jacob S.
Official comment
Hi Jacob
Thank you for your patience. There are two cases we ask you to submit or we escalate your request.
When we ask you to submit a request it is because we want to see the log file of your player to better understand what is happening. When you select Help, Send Support Request we receive a system log file to better understand what is happening. If we discover something new, you will note when consumers point out they have the same issue, our follow up responses often provide the solution.
When we say we are escalating your issue it is because we already know the answer but it will require direct intervention with a support analyst but they need to know specific information such as make and model to that consumer's specific router so we can make recommendations or serial number (if we suspect a hardware issue). We do this as much to protect consumer privacy.
If an issue does get 'SOLVED' but the problem persists, it is because we have told the consumer 'Hey sorry, we have identified a bug and hope to resolve as quickly as possible, in the meantime, you can do this workaround'.
We pride ourselves in trying to be a listening company and try to provide information to our consumers as open as we can.
I do hope this helps you better understand our thought process.
Anthony Williamson
Product Support Manager – Lenbrook International
Bluesound|NAD Electronics|PSB Speakers -
Hi Tony,
Thanks for the response. I understand the thinking behind getting the tickets submitted (player info, firmware number, etc.) What I mean is that after that response, there is not (that I have seen) a follow up in the forum. Such a follow up would be useful for tech savvy users trying to trouble shoot during supports closed hours.
If the resolution is not posted on the forum, then everyone who encounters the issue ends up having to submit a ticket. Similarly, it leaves a question in the mind of your clients looking to the forum for help... Has this issue been resolved?
Finally, there is currently a problem with indexing music (Nas or USB) since the 3.6.3 update. It has been reported several times in several threads over the last week.
It would be nice for Bluesound to acknowledge there is an issue and perhaps start your own Known Issues thread with updates as they become available.
It would also be nice if an explanation were given as to why some requested solutions are not possible. I.e. Firmware Rollback? There has to be a better way to communicate these things than through a closed support ticket one user at a time.
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Hi Jacob
Thank you for your feedback.
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