Creating Play Lists
AnsweredGot my new Node 2i so new to BluOS.
Under Playlists I have managed to create a playlist, however when I try to add a track by pressing
context >Add to playlist ---- No Playlists appear. Neither do I get the chance to create a new playlist from the here.
This is the same for BluOS on Mac and Android.
I am able to see imported Playlists in the main menu.
Please Help
Official comment
Hello Ronald,
When creating a playlist you will need to select if you would like that playlist saved to the currently selected streaming service or directly to BluOS. If you created this playlist through BluOS, it will only appear when the BluOS playlists are selected. For some additional information regarding playlist creation, please see the article below.
If you continue to experience issues with your playlists after reading through this article, I would suggest reaching out to our support crew directly at to have one of our analysts look into this further for you.
Wesley P. -
Hey Ronald,
I've been trying to find out how to do this since I got mu BluOS Node a year or two ago. I have asked this question on forums and through the helpdesk. I have concluded it is impossible as the answers that are given are just articles like above that don't answer the question.
The only way that I have found to make a BluOS playlist is to make a queue and then save that queue as a playlist. However, once it is saved you can't add to it. As you say, when you try to add a song to a playlist the BluOS playlists never show up despite being present when you go to the playlist menu.
Having said that....If you do found a work around I would be really interested in hearing how you do it
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The only way that I have found to make a BluOS playlist is to make a queue and then save that queue as a playlist. However, once it is saved you can't add to it. As you say, when you try to add a song to a playlist the BluOS playlists never show up despite being present when you go to the playlist menu.
Hi Chris
I just tried this on iOS. I just went into my Local Libray, selected a song and said 'Add to Playlist' from the context menu. I selected New Playlist and named it and add a song, then a couple more. I then went and looked under My Playlists and the songs are there. I went back to TIDAL and selected two more songs, selected Add To Playlist from the context menu of each to the playlist I just created. I then loaded that Playlist into the Queue from My Playlists and everything was there, including the two songs I added during browsing TIDAL.
I then Added songs to the queue and then saved that playlist from the queue view of Now Playing and overwrote the saved Playlist using the same name, cleared the queue and then reloaded that freshly saved Playlist. The third and current version of the Playlist was loaded.
If you are not seeing this or having this result, please feel free to Send a Support Request or e-mail us and don't be afraid to mention include a link to this thread in your request...
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There needs to be a better way of manipulating and importing playlists. Since I can't import or export my playlists from other apps or my pc or mac, if I want to transfer my playlists from one platform to another, I have to start from scratch. Not too convenient!!!
Even manipulating playlists within the app is far more complex then in most other apps. It would be nice to be able to import & export playlists from my PC. Please fix.
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But how do you import or export local playlists once the filesystem is initially setup? Do I have to delete everything & reset the system in order to add a new playlist? This seems very backward if in fact this is what is required. Also, as has been mentioned many times, manipulating existing playlist is very very cumbersome. Good start but the app needs work.
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Hi Jimmy
Same way you add Music; Settings, Music Library, Reindex for your local content. 3rd Party Music Services (such as TIDAL) will happen auto-magically.
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Hi Jimmy
Since I can't import or export my playlists from other apps or my pc or mac, if I want to transfer my playlists from one platform to another, I have to start from scratch.
You do know that all iTunes and .m3u playlists are imported when setting up a file share. Your Music Services Playlists are also imported from your subscription Music Services. These will all appear under My Playlists.
If you are having issues with this feature, please select Help, Send Support Request so we can review the last import process in the system log that is automatically attached via this method.
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