Amazon Music HD

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  • Official comment
    Wesley P.

    Hello Matthew,

    At this time the issue which you have described is a limitation of Amazon Music. We are working with Amazon closely to see what we can do to provide further support for this feature in a future BluOS firmware update.

    I'm sorry for the inconvenience but rest assured we are investigating this further.

    Wesley P.

  • Jon Heyesen

    Same experience here as I made the switch yesterday from Tidal as well. My gut is that the BluOS integration with Amazon Music was previously somewhat limited as I'm assuming most Bluesound owners were using Tidal, Qobuz, etc. However, with this new announcement from Amazon (which I'm personally pretty excited about) I have to think the Bluesound folks will enhance the integration. I mean, Amazon is Amazon after all and this should be a game changer in the digital streaming world. 

  • Stephan Bohacek

    I am also looking forward to BluOS integration with amazon HD. 

  • Tony W.
    Product Support Manager

    At Stephen

    It's here now, please upgrade to BluOS 3.4.24 by selecting Help, Check for Upgrade

  • Matthew Milburn

    Just updated - makes no difference!

  • Tony W.
    Product Support Manager

    Under Music Services, Amazon, have you logged in to Amazon using your Amazon Music Unlimited or Amazon Prime account?

    If problems persist after that, please select Help, Send Support Request in the App.

  • Matthew Milburn

    I don't have an Amazon Prime account - I'll report in app.

  • Tony W.
    Product Support Manager

    Hi Matthew

    Amazon is a paid service so you will need an account and log in for it to appear.

  • Edmcmuffin

     I can't edit Amazon music either (android tablet). The 3 dot menu in the playlist is broken and does not appear at all in the player view.    If say Tidal items and Amazon items are in the playlist the 3 dot menu will work for Tidal items but not for Amazon items.

    Update:  Can't edit on IPad either. 



  • Matthew Milburn

    Tony W - I do have a paid Amazon HD account - you don't need to be a Prime member (that just gives you a discount on the price).

    Edmcmuffin - totally agree - this is exactly my problem too.

  • Lawrence Sapadin

    I just called Amazon with the same concern: The Amazon HD interface on BluOS is totally useless. They said they are working with BlueSound. I told them I was surprised that Amazon would have submitted such an inadequate SDK to BlueSound to launch such an important service.

    To the extent that BlueSound can help address this situation, I strongly urge you to do so. In the meantime, I will have to switch back to Tidal until Amazon and BlueSound come up with an Amazon HD service worthy of both companies. 

  • Marc R.

    I'm also having problems with the Amazon implementation in BluOS, both desktop and iOS.


    With Tidal, I could browse by genre, or browse by new and then pick a genre, which I cannot do with Amazon. Also, when I look at New > Albums I get a list of album titles but no artists listed? And can't sort by genre? This is very frustrating. Additionally (sorry) when I choose an album or playlist, it only shows a partial list of tracks?!? I have to click on Show All to see the rest. Ugh.


    When I use the Amazon Music desktop player I don't have these issues, but of course it cannot control my Node 2i...

  • Matthew Milburn

    Hi all - I put all of our issues to the tech team and this is their reply:


    "Hello Matthew,

    Thank you for getting back to me with the update and clarification.

    After running through some tests here in our BluOS lab I was able to replicate the experience you have described.

    Therefore, I have taken your input regarding this feature and forwarded it to our Quality Assurance Team for further review and consideration in a future update.

    I really appreciate your feedback as we are always developing our BlueSound Players alongside with our BluOS Controller App, continuing to expand on its features and deliver a more customized and Hi-Fi listening experience.

    In the meantime, I would advise typing in the song, artist or album that you are looking for in the search bar to locate it.

    I do apologize for the inconvenience, but if you have any other questions or concerns please don't hesitate to let me know. I will be more than happy to help.

    Kind regards,
    Eric W.
    BluOS Support Crew Analyst."


    I cannot see this being fixed any time soon so I'll be staying with Tidal. On the positive side, perhaps Amazon's pricing will put pressure on Tidal and others to price-match ;)

  • Marc R.

    "In the meantime, I would advise typing in the song, artist or album that you are looking for in the search bar to locate it."


    That's very disappointing. One of them main reasons I use streaming services is to explore, and to find new music.

  • Lawrence Sapadin

    Ditto. I just cancelled my Amazon HD trial and renewed my Tidal subscription. By the way, I took the opportunity to try the Roon player, which works with Tidal (and not Amazon HD). It is awesome if you're interested in discovery and metadata. BlueSound+Tidal+Roon = HD music nirvana!

  • Marc R.

    Thanks. I've been eyeing Roon.

    I cancelled Tidal last week as my account got hacked and Tidal was like, "I see no issues with the account ... Unfortunately, regardless of the possible fraudulent activity, the collected subscription fees to-date are non-refundable (you can review our Refund Policy here: As for the charges, you will have to work with your bank / financial institution to issue a charge back and/or stop payment."

    (What happened is someone upgraded my account to a family plan and added three users to it, and of course I started getting charged for the family plan. As stated, Tidal would not refund the difference, so I had to open a claim with my credit card company)

    So I was thrilled to be able to switch to Amazon HD, but the experience using it with my Node 2i has been disappointing.

  • Philip Wright

    Hi all,


    I'm currently an Amazon Music HD subscriber, and i'm looking at buying a Node 2i for my existing Hi-Fi. However, noticing the issues around Amazon Music HD in BluOS I was hoping you guys could clarify something for me before I buy. Are the issues you're facing with add and edit around creating playlists? I'll mainly be using the app to queue songs from Amazon Music HD and my local library, I'm wondering if this is affected by these issues? Or does the queue work fine when queuing songs from Amazon Music HD and local library?




  • Edmcmuffin

    Add/edit in Amazon app then you can play in Bluesound app.  As much as I like my Node I would never buy it for its Amazon 'integration'.  I expect Amazon is the problem here but regardless the experience is painful.

    You cannot queue in Amazon app for Bluesound unless you favorite or build playlist in amazon app then access favs/playlist from BlueOS. 

    Search on BlueOS side won't even show what's in HD. It's just terrible. 

    OTOH integration with Tidal is excellent and even has better functionality than Roon in some cases (like seeing all an artist's tracks). 


  • Tony W.
    Product Support Manager

    Thanks, Ed

    We are in the process of providing feedback to Amazon regarding their provided API and hoping we can work with them to create a better experience for our mutual consumers - namely you.

  • Neil Ingle

    Hi all, I've recently purchased a Powernode 2i, and am very happy with the sound quality (via Monitor Audio Silver speakers) from Amazon.

    It's clear from the comments here and on other threads that BlueOS integration with Amazon is patchy.  I'm a software developer myself, so I can empathise with replies from Bluesound regarding the quality level of Amazon's API. 

    However, I think it's important to keep this conversation going - Amazon integration is going to get more important.  Currently as a discovery service the integration is not fit for purpose - related artists, go to artist, album, sort and filter facilities etc - all part of a decent GUI.

    How much of this is BlueOS and how much is Amazon?  And how can we mount a co-ordinated effort to get all parties to work together towards a more fit-for-purpose interface? (empathising that integration is still relatively new)  I also have a Tidal subscription on trial and do not want the interface (much better in Tidal) to be the reason I switch to them (I actually favour the library and sound quality from Amazon, although Tidal seems more 'refined').

  • Neil Ingle

    ps. if anyone has a link to the specific 'department' in Amazon that deals with their API then please post it here - the more of us that contact Amazon the better!

  • Marc R.

    Neil, I agree with you, but assume the problem is squarely with Amazon, not Bluesound. As you mentioned, the Tidal AP is much better, and I agree. Sadly, the reason I started using Amazon Music HD was because my Tidal account got hacked and they could not have cared less, so I cancelled.


    Ultimately, I found the Amazon/BluOS integration to be so frustrating that I've now gone to Qobuz and been fairly happy. I cancelled Amazon Music HD (but still occasionally use Prime Music, which comes with a Prime subscription)


    I suspect Amazon's developers are pretty busy working on their own products, and on integration with mass market devices like Roku and Apple, so am not holding out hope for a quick fix...

  • Neil Ingle

    Thanks Marc, I tend to agree, although as someone who both writes and uses API's, there has to be some onus on the API consumer to work effectively with what they've got.

    Qubuz is a bit pricey for me.  I may stick with Tidal, but ultimately the big question this month is whether I end the Bluesound experiment altogether and try a different streaming solution (which would be a shame because so far I'm happy with the sound quality, and there is no perceived degradation when playing my vinyl via the Powernode 2i).


    Still no support from Amazon regarding an updated API for Canadian BluOS devices. I would like to keep the service but I will probably have to go back to Tidal if this isn't figured out soon. 4 months since the Amazon Unlimited launch and nothing yet.

  • Tony W.
    Product Support Manager

    Hi Stephen

    As fellow Canucks, we understand - it really is out of our control. 


    Hi tony,

    I've already discussed this with Amazon but they haven't given me any confidence that they are working on this.


    LOL I've decided to tweet them like Trump would do. Will see if this gets any attention.

  • Serenelkington

    The android BluOS app now enables you to play a whole album. My desktop BluOS app doesn't.

    So,if you're using the desktop app, you either have to create a playlist from an album on the Amazon app, and save it, or click on each track on the BluOS app and choose last.

    It's only seems possible to search "genres" within My Music, either on the Amazon app itself or on the BluOS app.

  • Natman

    I could no longer muster the terrible interface. I bailed on Amazon Music and went back to Qobuz. Qobuz has lowered their price to match Amazon. I'm not willing to give up my Node2i. Qobuz offers a year for an even better price if you prepay... $12.50. So if I settle in, I'll do that while Amazon gets their API together. Let me know when they do that, folks. 

    Unfortunately have to rely on Pandora and Spotify for stations, still. 

  • S Simon

    I was just about to order the Node 2i, but now I will not.  I've been scouring the web for something that will allow me to stream my Amazon HD music (3 month trial), and I really thought this was it.  Ideally I'd like to be able to select bluenode as a source within the Amazon app, or at least be able to access all of the Amazon app capabilities from within BluOS.  I love exploring new music and editing playlists on the fly, and the suggestion that I have to type in individual song titles in BluOS is laughable.  If I can't find some hardware/software combo that works, I'll discontinue with Amazon HD.


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