NAD C368 phono with BluOs 2




  • Official comment
    Tony W.
    Product Support Manager

    Hi Shawn

    Chassis sources such as a turntable on the C368 or HDMI in on a T777v3 cannot be grouped as sources with a BluOS MDC such as The BluOS 2i MDC or VM300 4K module. It is a limitation of the chassis firmware on the NAD products.

  • shawn seiersen

    So what about something like the NAD C 658? If I was using that could I broadcast my phono to all of my bluesound devices? Is this something that may be added to the 368 with firmware updates?

  • Tony W.
    Product Support Manager

    Hi Shawn

    The C658, M10 and M50.2 run BluOS as the primary firmware so can group any and all inputs. This is the model our friends at NAD Electronics will be using for future development. 

  • shawn seiersen

    Thanks for the info Tony. It doesn't seem to me like NAD would ever change primary firmware in something like the C368 since the BluOS is an add on so I guess this leaves me either abandoning the C368 or replacing the MDC module with a Node. 

  • Tony W.
    Product Support Manager

    It doesn't seem to me like NAD would ever change primary firmware in something like the C368

    Not from lack of trying... it's an unforeseen hurdle that they can't seem to get around. Three routes you can go here if it is that important to group your vinyl;

    1. The New POWERNODE with 3 inputs along with a phone pre-amp (such as an NAD PP2i or PP4)
    2. It's a little more pricey but you may want to consider an NAD C658 along with a power amp such as an NAD C268. The C658 includes a phono in along with analogue by-pass and DIRAC Room correction so there is value if you do decide to go that route
    3. Consider a TIDAL subscription and check out their large and ever growing MQA catalogue. MQA is not vinyl but it's pretty darn close as the finest digital format reproduction (so far). Think 4K TV for your ears...

    Full disclosure: The second you group your vinyl (or any analogue signal) regardless of how, there is an ADC conversion to 24/96 in BluOS. This happens in Option 1 everytime and in option 2 if you group on the secondary players. Option 3 may actually be the most accurate option audio wise - but all options still sound great


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