How can I shuffle play all of my saved Tidal tracks?

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  • Official comment
    Tony W.
    Product Support Manager

    The ability to shuffle favourited tracks form a Music Service relies on that Music Service providing these options in the provided API documentation or Software Development Kit. Most Services can only provided a list of favourites but not how to Play those favourites. Play commands are handled based on display options.

    Because of this you will have to Play your Favourites and then manually proceed with the extra click of shuffling them after the fact.

    You can save these as a Playlist and then Shuffle the Playlist...

  • Same behavior from Amazon Music HD inside BluOS.

    If I play the alphabetically first track (correct nomenclature in Amazon Music HD) of my saved tracks, enable shuffle, and skip to the next son, I get a song in the numbers or A's only as the qeueue is limited to a small number of those tracks.

    This leads me to believe this is an issue with BluOS and not Tidal integration.

    Will this be addressed? 

    I'd hack it by placing all my tracks in a playlist and then shuffle playint that playlist, but I do not see a way to add all of my saved tracks at once into a playlist.


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