Node N130 - Wifi Issues
AnsweredIt used to work okay, so I my unit broken, or is it a firmware issue?
The WiFi signal the node receives and transmit is very bad:
My AP (Unifi NanoHD) is 5 meter away (ceiling mounted), and this is what it gets:
wifiscan BSS b4:fb:e4:2b:95:36(on wlan0) -- associated last seen: 28091.990s [boottime] signal: -64.00 dBm last seen: 100 ms ago SSID: TDC DS Parameter set: channel 6 Country: DK Environment: Indoor/Outdoor
The signal reported by the Ap is -69 dBm, what is going on? It used to be in the low -50 dBm.
Another thing, the node is not able to see my 5Ghz network, sometimes it briefly shows up with a lousy -80 dBm.
I would like to reflash the darn thing, but it seems like bluesound have removed that option!
Official comment
Hi Rasmus
Doubtful the Wi-Fi card is going - more likely a firmware update of the AP may have changed something. Please select Settings, Send Support Request so our Support Crew may review the log file and take a closer look.
I did another reboot of the Node and right after it is ready again, then the dBm values are normal (-52 dBm for both 2.4 og 5 Ghz). After a little while the signal drops to -64 dBm and stay there, the 5 Ghz network disappears at some point, but comes back and stays after about 30 minutes??
No issues with other units, WiFi connections are rock solid.
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I would try either Chanel 1 or 11 and not let Unifi do any of its automatic stuff and see what the signal strength is like in different channels.
I don’t know your home but if you have neighbours they could have made changes to their Wi-Fi network and it’s interfering with yours, particularly at the location of the NODE.
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Thank you for the suggestion, but I have tried 2 different brand of AP's in both end of the house on all center channels, it never gets any better.
The unit is 4 years old, maybe the wifi card is getting bad, or an error in the OS image driver.
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