Migrating my music library to a new NASD ... lost ALL playlists



  • Official comment
    Alain DW

    I think a "rebuild index" will be needed as the changes are important.

    In my experience the playlists don't disappear from the BluOS (unless you do a factory reset), they just can no longer link with the new address. A rebuild should fix that.

    Of course, a well functioning backup for the playlists would be desirable and prevent certain issues.

  • Ian ProtonMail

    I did both a basic rebuild, several times during the migration, it took 2 days to move all of the library, so it was done in chunks. After each chunk was moved the tracks in the playlists were progressively reduced as the files wer eno longer in the "original" share libraries. 

    Also, after it was completely migrated, and the original shares were removed the BlueSound re-indexed. 

    I also did a complete delete and re-index from the settings tab. Something I have done/had to do many times over the past 4 years ... 

    The playlists, everyone, were empty ... I am in the process of rebuilding them, one by one ... which does take a lot of time ...

    My previous playlist backup does not restore the playlists as the path, the first part of the path i.e. the share name is slightly different ... due to the file name of the new NASD

    Hence ... the playlists, and track favourites are all evaporated ...


  • Alain DW

    That's unfortunate. Some while ago I too had to replace my server/ NAS due to an accident with water.

    At the time, more by luck, I remember using the old ip address and share names at the setup.

    The Node2 and Node2i kept their playlists and presets of playlists. I can't recall doing a rebuild or reindex, everything worked out of the box. So I guess I was lucky.

    For my more important playlists I prepare .m3u files and keep a copy in a backup.

  • woodie

    Hi Ian, that sucks.
    I assume that you created the playlists in your Bluesound...

    If *any* part of the filename changes, it is 'removed' from the playlist. This includes the full pathname even the file extension; it does not work on artist/album/song, as you might have hoped.

    I found this out after compressing some songs from .wav to .flac and finding that they had disappeared from my playlists as well.

    I have pretty much given up on Bluesound playists; they are unmanageable and utterly unreliable. Unless your library is 100% static forever...

  • Ian ProtonMail

    Yes I did create them in BlueSound ...

    And Yes, it seems that if ANYTHING changes in the file name, something as simply as changing a lower case letter to upper case int eh file name and the item is deleted from the playlist ... the playlist does NOT keep the entry and say something like ... file not found so you can repair it ...

    And sadly I am in agreement with respect to the utility of playlists in Blue Sound ... and I too am pretty much giving up on BlueSound ever doing anything to enhance the utility/functionality of Playlist management ... and for me that is very sad ... and I want hi-res, which is the reason I migrated to BlueSound 4 years ago ....

    There are only two things that I really want my BlueSound system to do:

    1) Play my library, sending the exact same signal to my two independent audio systems, so that I can play the exact same music throughout home 

     2) allow me to create/edit/playlists ... I love music, and I do create and maintain playlists ... they change over time, some live short term, others I have had for years ... they are central to my enjoyment of my music ...

    I do NOT use just about any other features:

       - I have dedicated DAC's on both my systems, I do not use the Blue Sound hardware

       - I do NOT stream music from any other source ... for my own reasons, but I love music, I buy music organize it, store it, play it, and share some of it with my other devices, vehicles etc. All of that requires that I manage my library

       - I do NOT listen to radio etc through BlueSound ...  

    Sadly, of the two critical things that I want BlueSound to do ... managing Playlists is simply pathetic ... and I do not see any interest from BlueSound in trying to improve the functionality of Playlists ... 

    Also, on a technical note, I have a reasonable knowledge of database design, structure, implementation and management on a business level, with mission critical business systems. Data migrates, is updated and expanded on a regular basis, utility & function is revised & updated ... I am struggling to understand WHY BlueSound seems unable to manage these things with respect to the basic functionality of managing the music library ... 

    Alas ... this seems to fall on deaf ears at BlueSound 

    Thank you for your thoughts and comments ... 



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