No network connection
AnsweredI’ve had the Icon for around 5 days, the first time it tried to connect to my network it couldn’t, I deleted the app and reinstalled it and it connected, it worked for around 2 days.
Then the Icon couldn’t connect to my network, I deleted the app again and tried the connect the Icon to my network again, it just won’t connect, I’ve been trying for 2-3 days now. I’ve deleted and reinstalled the app around 10-15 times.
Probably the only thing that I haven’t tried is to reboot the Icon back to factory settings which will mostly likely I’m guessing be the advice I’ll get from customer support. But in this case I’ve just decided to send it back.
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Probably too late but the first thing always to try is a reboot of your Router, deleting the App won’t help but rebooting the controller device phone / tablet may have.
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