Please can list of threads default to being sorted by Recent Activity instead of by Newest Post?

Followed by 2 people



  • Official comment
    Tony W.
    Product Support Manager

    From the Community Topics page... click the small downward chevron to show all posts. Click on Sort by newest post to change the sort order.

  • Ian Shepherd

    Hi Tony

    Many thanks.

    Newest Post is the default sort order but it actually sorts threads in order of their creation date and not in order of the most recently updated threads. In short it shows Newest Thread, not Newest Post.

    I therefore have have to change the sort order to Recent Activity to see what's actually happening in a topic.

    Does this make sense?

  • Tony W.
    Product Support Manager

    Can't help you there... it is a turn-key suite we use, of which The Community (ZD Guide) is just a piece of the puzzle.

  • Ian Shepherd

    Ok. Understood.

    Many thanks for the frankness.

    It was just a thought, but far less important than your work on BluOS.

    Is any documentation for the turn-key suite available in the public domain? Actually, I've just found some documentation. :)


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