Node Icon - UK Clock Time and Power Off Question



  • Official comment
    Tony W.
    Product Support Manager

    Hi Ian

    The time of your NODE ICON is set form the Internet. The time zone is adjusted based on the time zone your App is in.

    If the time is incorrect, please select Settings, Diagnostics, Reboot in the BluOS App to correct the time.

    Bluesound Players are designed to be Always On/Always Ready in today's Internet connected world. When idle they will enter standby consuming less than 3w of power well below EU power consumption requirements.

    Repeatedly unplugging and plugging in your Blueosund Player will prematurely age the power supply. 

  • Ian Hodgkin

    Thank you Tony

    Rebooted the app as instructed and the display clock is now correct.

    I don't want to be continually unplugging the icon, simply didn't want to damage it when swapping interconnect cables.

  • Tony W.
    Product Support Manager

    I personally always error on the side of caution when changing connections. Changing cables is not a common occurrence though.

  • John Cunnignham

    This is definitely a software fault on the new icon that needs correcting. Driving me nuts and happening every day. Can the Devs please look into this?

  • Deckard2112

    Yes. I'm in the UK too and it's happening every single time I turn the machine off and back on (I don't like leaving stuff on all the time) and I have to force a reboot. This definitely needs looking into.

  • Tony W.
    Product Support Manager

    Like all IoT Smart devices - your NODE ICON is designed to be always on and always ready. It goes into low power mode using less than 3W as required by EU Eco Laws.

    Powering it on and off will prematurely age the power supply.

    With the NODE ICON this will also reset your clock. Please leave it connected.

  • John Cunnignham

    So, how many power cycles can our new £899 streamer's power supply handle? Notwithstanding this bizzare answer it is clearly a fault that the unit needs to be left on constantly to display the correct time, and this is happening to many users given comments here and elsewhere. NB 3w hrs x 24 x number of users who have bought machine all forced to keep it on constantly is not a small number irrespective of EU regulations (that the UK is no longer part of anyway, sadly).

  • Deckard2112

    I prefer not to leave things plugged in for safety and eco reasons. Having to reboot to set the clock sounds like something isn't quite right?! Why would a power cycle not do exactly the same thing as a reboot?

  • John Cunnignham

    Agree with this Dekard2112. Furthermore, this fix is only temporary, the wrong time issue occurs repeatedly. Rebooting this morning which worked for a while, but unit no longer shows correct time by 5pm this evening!

  • Deckard2112

    Is this issue being taken seriously? I only have 14 days to return the player (UK consumer rights)....
    There are 3 of us on this thread alone who think this is an issue

  • Pinot Gris

    For just three people do not get your hopes up. In another thread Bluesound commented:

    "I can't say you are alone, but I can say you do appear to be in a very small minority as we are not seeing wide cases of this."

    This related to an issue that has been discussed by dozens of users for more than half a year in four different threads. Still not fixed.

    Do take note of the comment on the PSU wearing prematurely, the Nodes have a reputation for failing PSUs.

  • Matt S.
    Brand Manager

    Deckard, John, Ian - thanks for bringing this up, we've got the team looking at it and we'll try to sort it as quickly as possible. So far the reports of this happening have been from the UK only so we're wondering if that has something to do with it. 


  • Pinot Gris

    Matt, Tony,

    Do not think this is a UK only thing, the time shown in the BluOS log of my Node 2i is one hour earlier than local time CET.

  • Deckard2112

    Can't we just set our own time????

  • Pinot Gris

    Further to my previous post.

    Re-read OP is in GMT (UTC+0) but Icon displays BST (UTC+1). This is opposite of my observation, Node is in CET (UTC+1) but log shows UTC+0.

  • Deckard2112

    This is definitely a problem as I've left my Icon plugged in since Xmas and today it's jumped forward an hour. Local time 8:10am but Icon showing 9:10am.
    Am I sending this back to Richer Sounds?

  • Deckard2112

    I'm returning the Icon to Richer Sounds in Glasgow today and going back to my Node2. I won't be buying Bluesound in the future.

    1. Clock doesn't work in the UK even when leaving plugged in as suggested: jumps 1 hour ahead

    2. The first quarter second of every track is missing unless I enable Digital Passthrough but doing so removes Tone Controls and other options. Is the Icon querying each track to see if it's in MQA format and in doing so introducing the missing bit?


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