

  • Official comment
    Pinot Gris

    Node X N131 ESS 9028Q2M

    Node N132 ESS 9039Q2M

  • Michael Nunziato

    Is that a good thing or bad?!! Not sure which is better. Thanks.

  • Pinot Gris

    I would expect the sound will barely depend on which of these two DACs you pick, but more on the electronic circuitry around it. And even then, it depends on your personal taste, just like any other stereo equipment. There are quite a few people preferring the TI Burr Brown over the ESS Sabre. Best is to go to the shop and listen yourself.

    The mathematics for DACs do not change, DACs of the same brand probably mostly differ in features, power consumption, SNR and THD. But these features are only meaningful if they are actually used by the implementation on the PCB of the steaming device.

    E.g. the 9028Q2M supports up to 32 bit 384 kHz and the 9039Q2M has expanded this to 32 bit 768 kHz, but both Nodes are limited to 24/192.

  • Michael Nunziato

    Gerben, thank you for your detailed reply. Totally makes sense.


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