IOS app not working well with USB connected library




  • Official comment
    Tony W.
    Product Support Manager

    Can you please send our Support Crew a log file so we may take a closer look. You can do this in the App by selecting Settings, Send Support request. That log file will be automatically attached. Once we have it we can review and help troubleshoot further.

  • Gflamont


    I have already shared details and spent over a week in back and forth with your support team. They were as helpful as they could be. No complaints. But there is nothing more your support crew can do for me. The new app has bugs. That's a fact. They confirmed they can reproduce the problem, so instead of asking me for log files and offering more troubleshooting, your software team needs to fix the app.

    What worked in version 4.2.3 doesn't work in 4.6.2. and I know this because we have an iphone in our house that has the older version of the app and everything works fine on 4.2.3, while 4.6.2 doesn't. 

    It's really a shame that your software team failed to ensure that features that used to work continue to work when creating updates. I posted to share this problem with the user community, and also as a warning to those who might have older versions of the BluOS app to be careful when considering to update their app.

  • Tony W.
    Product Support Manager

    Hi Glfamont

    Your issue is likely releated to this issue posted here;

    I am closing this duplicate thread but feel free to comment there.


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