


  • Official comment
    Alain DW

    This article describes the backup of playlists in BluOS:

    However backing up on a pc is not supported.

  • Marcus Skeel

    Has this capability been removed?
    The link above doesn't work at all.
    Also, with server mode disabled, I still cannot find the Backup Playlists option under Settings -> Music Library.
    (Either in the iOS or Windows versions - tried both)
    I know I've done this before (I still have the USB stick), but the option appears to have moved somewhere where I can't find it or gone away completely.

    Also:  Once I've backed up a playlist, is there any way to view/edit it outside BluOS, or is it a proprietary format?
    (The Playlist editing capability in the NODE is pretty primitive & aggravating.)

  • Alain DW

    The situation on playlist backup is confusing to me.

    Some time ago, Tony stated that backup on windows was no longer supported due to deprecated software.

    Yet in the knowledge base I find this article (updated?):

    I will need to do some testing to find out what is what.

  • Tony W.
    Product Support Manager


    Alain, I stand by my comment here...  unfortunately...

    Sorry for the confusion, I will have our in-house Tech Writer review the KB you mentioned, we must have missed that one during our last upgrade cycle/KB review. 


  • Thomas Baumgarten

    Ich habe das gleiche Problem: Seit dem letzten Update ist die Funktion „Wiedergabelisten sichern“ als Menüpunkt verschwunden. Laut dem Support wird daran gearbeitet….

  • Seppi Evans

    Thomas, yes Bluesound said it was removed from the desktop app as it was not working.

  • Ian ProtonMail

    Folks, has anything been done to be able to backup playlists? I have been unable to find anyway to do this ... but there used to be a way to backup playlists ... 

    This is important, I have numerous playlists, and I just spent about 40 man-hours recreating them after migrating my library to a new NASD ... so I really want/need a way to back them up ... 


  • Marcus Skeel


    Appears to not be a priority @ Bluesound.
    In fact, they seem to view the entire UI as not much more than a necessary evil.
    Very disheartening.

  • Ian ProtonMail

    Sadly, I am in agreement ... and I have told them that it truly seems that they are a hardware focused company, focused primarily on building and selling hardware components ... and that is truly bothering me ... I really want some pretty basic utility/functionality from my Bluesound system:

    - I want to be able to play music from my library on the 2 separate hi-end audio systems I have ... each has there own dedicated high end DAC, so literally all I want is the ability to send the music to each system digitally

    - I want to have a good, useable, workable interface to access my music library and select songs to play

    - I want to have a good, useable, functional interface to work with my library, create, edit, save playlists 

    Those are literally the only three things I need/want ... and, as you say, it seems that the user interface is simply viewed as some secondary issue and it is NOT prioritized ... the usability is NOT prioritized ... some pretty simple things, like backing up playlists seems to be ignored ... and that is, at least to me, a serious issue ... and yes, it is very disheartening ... I have had my BlueSound system for 4 years now ... and I am getting sadder over time, not happier with the product ...



  • Marcus Skeel

    Thanks, Ian.

    Nice to hear I'm not the only voice in this wilderness!

    Like you, I have an excellent tube DAC, tube pre-amp, top-of-the-line Marantz AV processor, etc., etc., so my priorities line up with yours almost exactly.

    The one thing that I still really like about the NODE is the analog input, which (with a pair of $20 Toslink to USB dongles from Amazon & a copy of the Vinyl Studio app) has turned out to be a very acceptable way to capture vinyl & store as 24-bit/192 kHz FLACs.  Sadly, then you run into the lousy way the NODE handles (& by that I mean basically doesn't handle) metadata.  I'm trying to discipline myself to create/store all the metadata now, so when I find a better hardware solution, it'll all be there waiting for me.

    If Bluesound isn't interested in building a decent UI, you'd think they'd at a minimum cobble together an API so 3rd-parties could take up the slack.

    But, to be honest, I think (audiophile/boomer) I'm just not their target demographic. 
    So, in the meantime, I'm keeping an eye out for alternatives ... but right now everything I'm seeing has a lot of features I don't need or want.  So I'm making due with I have for now.

    Best regards ...

  • Thomas Baumgarten

    Hallo zusammen, ja leider ist es immer noch nicht möglich, Wiedegabelisten auf USB zu sichern so wie es bis zum letzten Update möglich war zu sichern. Der Menüpunkt existiert einfach nicht mehr. Für mich ist das auch ein K.O.-Kriterium. Ich habe über 400 Alben jeweils als Playlist gespeichert. Und diese Sammlung will ich auch weiter ausbauen. Wie soll man das bei Gerätewechsel (auf Node Icon oder anderes von Bluesound) übertragen ?

    Vom Support kam der Hinweis, die Wiedergabelisten lieber beim MusicService (bei mir AmazonMusicUnlimited) zu sichern und über BlueOS dann von AmazonMusic abzuspielen. Dieses funktioniert aber nur bis zu maximal 100 eigenen Playlists, den Rest sieht BlueOS nicht... Obwohl in der AmazonApp alles vorhanden ist... Das ist schon sehr unbefriedigend und keine Lösung. 

    Der Support ist nach meinen Erfahrungen sehr bemüht, meldet sich schnell und beschäftigt sich ernsthaft mit dem Problem und versucht es intern zu lösen. Es geht nur leider nicht wirklich in der Entwicklung voran hat man das Gefühl. Ich meine das dieses eigentlich marginale Thema für Bluesound ein wirklich großes K.O.-Kriterium wird, da viele sich Playlist-Sammlungen anlegen und diese natürlich auch sichern wollen. Die Konkurrenz bekommt da schon Informationen mit und hebt in manchen Foren auf diesen Schwachpunkt von Bluesound ab. Ich möchte aber eigentlich hier Kunde bleiben und hoffe auf schnelle Behebung des Fehlers.


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