Why playlist appears



  • Official comment
    Seppi Evans

    If you added a Music library (network share from computer / NAS) and the shared folder contains playlists they will be imported and show in the BluOS App.

    There is a support page detailing playlist creating / deletion, however if they are in you music share then you will be to remove them there.


  • Kim Serritslev

    As far as my knowledge reaching I can't see that the shared file contains any playlist. If so, I don't know where I should see that. But I'm pretty sure there isn't any playlist in that folder. Only music-albums I have put there

  • Kim Serritslev

    Can't find this when I open my desktop bluesound app

    Windows/macOS - Manage Music Service Playlist

    1. Launch the BluOS Controller app; under the left Navigation Drawer, select the required Music Service containing the saved playlist.
    2. Select Playlist/My Playlists/Favorites depending on the Music Service.
    3. Select the Playlist and click Play All to add them to the Play Queue.
      Note: The current Play Queue will be cleared, and the selected Playlist will start playing.

      Found left drawer, but can't find anything useful here regarding playlist. I find my playlist in Music service ->Library > Playlist. In the three dots I have no delete-option.
      How shall I find those playlist so I can delete them?
  • Seppi Evans

    It will be quicker contacting support, in the BluOS App please select Settings, Send Support Request, so the Bluesound Support Crew can review the log file and take a closer look. If you cannot do this then use email support@bluesound.com

  • Alain DW

    If you find playlists in services>library>playlists they are definitively playlists residing in the root of your library.

    Usually this are files with a .m3u extension.

    In order to make them go away, you need to delete them in your library (NAS or USB?) using a file browser. As this are not BluOS playlists, you can't delete them with the app.



  • Kim Serritslev

    Alain. Ok. In my library I found a series of .m3u files. I deleted them.

    Unfortunately I still got a lot of albums and tracks on the playlist

  • Kim Serritslev

    Seppi Evans

    Thanks. I have just e-mailed the bluesound support.

  • Kim Serritslev

    Alain, but what is these .m3u files? I've always using flac

  • Alain DW

    After each change in your library, (deleting, adding, ...whatever) you need to do a "reindex" of the said library. (in settings>music library>reindex)

    This will register the changes in the BluOS. Sometimes a "rebuild" will be required to register more profound changes to the library.( in help>diagnostics>rebuild)

    A .m3u is a text file listing the tracks in an album or collection of tracks and works like a playlist.

    Has nothing to do with flac. Often downloaded together with other data in an album folder.

  • Kim Serritslev

    Alain, Just made a re-indexing of music-library in the app. The playlist is still present.

    Damn, this is really annoying but on the other hand I can live without this damn playlist. It would be nice If It could be deleted so I was the one who decide what's on the playlist, but I think this is too difficult and awkward.
    I have send an email to the support. Maybe they can explain what is wrong with this app. Maybe something could be done better than It is now.

  • Seppi Evans

    On the drive that holds the library you need to empty the trash can, then as Alain says use Rebuild Index.

  • Alain DW

    As I happen to be a Linux user, I'm not concerned with trash cans à la Windows which is why I didn't think of clearing them, good thing Seppi caught this.

    Sometimes, if the "rebuild" doen't solve the issue, you should consider doing a "reboot" (also in help>diagnostics) followed by another "rebuild".

    In my experience this kills all problems.


  • Kim Serritslev

    No, reboot solved nothing

  • Alain DW

    1) are this the same playlists as before? Or are there still some other .m3u 's hidding somewhere in other folders.

    2) Just to be clear, - rebuild + reboot +rebuild in this order should clear all. At least it did for me once.

    3) what apps are you using? Is the offender showing in every app?

    Ps: rebuild is not reindex!!!

  • Kim Serritslev

    Yes, exactly the same tracks and albums on the playlist. I can't find more m3u files
    reboot doesn't make anything work. Playlist - content is still there

    Apps? Im using the bluesoundapp on my pc and on my iphone

  • Kim Serritslev

    Alain, I don't think you can solve this problem and I don't think the support are able to do, if they ever respond.
    I can really live without this stupid playlist. I can make a playlist on a piece of paper then screw this stupid app.  And If It is that complicated, then It's Bluesounds problem. I'm satisfied with the basic things which seems to work.

    But thanks for your help Alain


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