Blusound app for my Macbook MacOS 10.13.6




  • Official comment
    Seppi Evans

    Sorry but Bluesound do not send out links to old versions of the App, you might get lucky with a Google search or perhaps even another user might chime in with a solution.

  • Charles L. Trae Hancock

    Okay. That’s great support. I guess you’re thinking I should buy a new MacBook to accommodate the new update. Bottom line - I would have NEVER updated had I known this would happen. I’ve been screwed for not having the latest laptop. That hurts, Seppi. It also makes a lasting impact when updating my stereo system in the future.

  • Seppi Evans

    This is a community forum, I am just another user so no point having a pop at me.

  • Charles L. Trae Hancock

    Ok. My bad. I apologize. It’s just frustrating, Seppi. I went from enjoying the app to always having to be on my phone. It still doesn’t change how feel about my experience. But again, my apologies for airing out my frustration.

  • Seppi Evans

    That’s ok, there are ways on running newer MacOS on unsupported hardware, MacRumours used to have a quite a few posts on the subject and a possible solution. I did this once with an early mini but did make a few backups before I started.

  • Charles L. Trae Hancock

    Thanks, Seppi. I will have a look around and see if I can get lucky. Thanks again. 


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