Sound Issues With Turntable to PowerNode2i




  • Official comment
    Tony W.
    Product Support Manager

    Hi Pez

    As always, the best thing to do in these issues is send our Support Crew a log file by selecting Settings, Send Support Request from the Home page of the App.

  • Seppi Evans

    Work with support but do make sure there is a good distance between the POWERNODE, the Pre and the turntable. Cartridges and Preamps don’t like Wi-Fi or Bluetooth signals, switching power supplies or generally any other electrical equipment nearby. Do also make sure the lead is 100% fully pushed in the POWERNODE.

  • Pez10

    Hi Ryan, Thanks for the come back, will send in a request form and see how we go. 👍

    Hey Seppi,

    Thanks for the advice, I have a tight space and the pre amp it tucked in next door to the PowerNode. I'll shift it to a different spot and give it a go. Have checked the leads a couple of times but will do it again.

    Thx Seppi/Ryan. 😊 

    Cheers Pez


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