Vault 2 and ATC CDA2 preamp sample rate switching issue.




  • Official comment
    Seppi Evans

    Unfortunately this is something that happens with some DACs when the bitrate changes. I had a Cyrus device with integrated DAC and it made an alarming noise when the bitrate changed either up or down.

    You have already done pretty much everything I would suggest as below….

    See if there is any firmware updates available for the ATC CDA2 Mk2, then see if there is an audio clock trim setting available in the BluOS App and toggle that, finally you could try using the analogue outputs on the Vault as these won’t suffer.

  • Richard Liggins

    Thanks for the reply.

    Unfortunately I've tried those avenues. I did wonder if it was "just one of those things".

    I prefer the sound of the ATC DAC to the Vault.


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