Bluos app-Add mixing (overlaping) option




  • Official comment

    Another Bluesound user here. 

    What you describe is crossfading one track into another. Some software can do this with tracks that share identical an sample rate and bit depth but it takes a separate computer to perform the the task as it requires additional resources. Even Roon, which works with Bluesound at an additional cost and requires a computer to act as a music server, has some difficulty doing this as tracks come from a variety of sources both local and streaming and have differing rates of compression. 

    It's a great feature when it works but isn't as easy to achieve as one would think.

  • dniss

    Hi Brian, thanks for your reply.

    I could be mistaken but I'm pretty sure this feature has been working for 2 decades in Winamp, regarless of file type.

  • Brian

    It's not the file type (FLAC, ALAC, MP3 etc) but the bit and sample rate. Also WinAmp uses the computer's processing power as it runs on Windows.

  • dniss

    Winamp has been doing that for decades on first generation AT computer. Today's phone are by far more powerfull then those early PC. And I'm using the windows OS version of bluos.

    So I doubt this couldn't be done by today's standard of coding and computing power. Sorry, just IMHO.

  • Brian

    BluOS is not using the phone to do any processing at all.


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