How can I stream my turntable via my integrated amp via node to external Sonos speakers?
AnsweredHi, i am so confused on how the Node works. My Logitech Duet finally died and needed something to stream my own music from my NAS and also something to stream music apps to my wired speakers via my Marantz integrated amp (it no streaming ability). The Node works for this. However, I thought since I have an analog input from my receiver into the Node (via the optical connection), that I could also stream my turntable to my Sonos speakers via airplay. However, I can't "see" any airplay devices to stream to on the BluOs app. Is there a way to do this?
Wow. Ok. So I’d have to replace my Sonos speakers with bluesound ones. Or wait, what exactly does a bluesound device mean? A speaker or another node? Are you saying if I got one blue sound speaker, I could stream from my node to that speaker? I’m clearly confused.
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