Pulse M doesn’t react to IR remote when grouped with other players




  • Official comment
    Mark T.
    Sr. Support Crew Member

    Hi Abe,

    Could you please send us a support request using the BluOS app? This way, our app will automatically send diagnostic log files from your players, allowing our support crew to diagnose what's happening with your Bluesound players.

    Thanks for #LivingHiFi

  • Abe

    For the record: I created this post on 7 August and submitted a support request through the app on 8 August. The first email from a support agent came on 9 August and it was followed by 6 more exchanges by email over the next 12 days (i.e. each response from the agent took between 24 and 36 hours), each one asking me to try something else, all the way to a factory reset in the next-to-last email, followed by one concluding that I should get my retailer to exchange the device. The retailer didn’t have one in stock, so it took another 5 days.


    The result after 17 days is that I have a new pulse M that works better than the original one with regard to responding to an IR remote, but still not as well as my other three Bluesound players, i.e. this one doesn’t always react on the first try either; it takes two to six presses of a given button for the player to react, which is better than the 12 to 40 presses it took with the previous one. (In both cases, I tested them with two different remotes, an RC1 and a generic one.)


    So I’m considering the issue solved. (Sort of.)


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