Tidal Remote Service Error (I tried everything!)




  • Official comment
    Seppi Evans

    This issues is really something local to you otherwise this community forum would be full of similar posts on a daily basis, switching to another hardware platform may produce similar issues with Tidal. You made no mention of if using the BluOS app or the Tidal App and if there are any differences, regardless …

    Bluesound won’t be able to investigate or fix anything unless you log a support ticket and do this immediately after you get an error message.

    In the BluOS App please select Settings, Send Support Request, so the Bluesound Support Crew can review the log file and take a closer look. If you cannot do this then use email support@bluesound.com

    If it helps in the UK Amazon Music at times, followed by Tidal are the most unreliable music streaming services for me but Deezer and Qobuz are rock solid, nothing related to Bluesound but the actual streaming service itself.

  • Markus

    Did you find the reason? I got a similar error message (remote service error: unexpected error occurred) in the Blusound app.

    I googled it and people with Naim, Roon and other systems seem to have similar problems. Thus, I checked if I can log in into the Tidal app. Also did not work (on various devices that I usually am automatically logged in, i was logged out and would not be allowed to log in!). Thus, I very much assume that it is a Tidal problem and will contact them. But if you had found some solution, let me know please.


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