See what's planned? Yes, please!



  • Martijn

    Hi Alex,

    Agreed that the current BluOs functionality is a bit limited and leans heavily on other apps like spotify. 

    What I would like to see in general includes:

    • one central playlist in the BluOS app itself, where you can add from various sources like local library, spotify etc. The current queue appears detached from whats happening on other devices when adding stuff to queue.
    • One central queue to unite streams from all sources would be next to where volume can be adjusted (now when in spotify i need to switch to bluos app to change volume or use remote)
    • Option to not only add Music services, but please also a button to remove them from list! now its click and it sticks as recently used with no way to remove
    • nonfunctional: a nice little clock on the display when system in rest? 15 years after the Logitech squeezebox for 100 euro's we cant get a clock on a 2000 euro device?






  • Paul D

    They've previously said they won't put out a roadmap to keep things from their competitors... Which IMHO is rubbish as their competitors' are now ahead of them, so a roadmap of at least playing catch-up would be nice, let alone what's beyond that.

    Chromecast, Soundcloud, BBC Sounds, splitting Audio and Visual outputs (so could display "now playing" on connected TV)...

    But no - just radio silence.


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