"Location permission is required" when trying to scan for Wi-Fi players




  • Official comment
    Tony W.
    Product Support Manager

    Hi Abe

    Location Services is required by many of our Music Services to determine what Services are available and what music licensing agreements are in play given your region.

  • Abe

    @Tony W.: 

    Please take fifteen seconds to read what I wrote in the post. You clearly read only the title.

  • Tony W.
    Product Support Manager

    Hi Abe

    Feel free to e-mail support@bluesound.com if you would like our Support Crew to take a closer look. They will be happy to help.

  • Gerben

    Hi Abe,

    Indeed the response by Tony does not appear to relate to your question, some of his responses seem rather hastily.

    I do not believe this is a BluOS bug, location permission for wifi scanning is an Android requirement. Please refer to following permission requirements for Wi-Fi scanning on the Android website:


    If you do not wish to allow location access, you probably (I never tried this) may circumvent this by temporarily connecting the second player by ethernet cable to your LAN and manually configuring the wifi settings on the player, either:

    1. through the BluOS controller app: Settings - Player - Wifi, or
    2. through the web interface using a webbrowser, directly accessing your player's control panel using the player's IP address, e.g. (but then of course using the IP of your player); the control panel has an option "Configure WiFi" for manual configuration.

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