Philosophy of Sound


1 comment

  • Alex

    While a lot of this varies depending on the recording, in general I can tell the difference:

    - Between premium (but still lossy obviously) Spotify 'very high quality' setting and CD quality Tidal and Qobuz

    - Between CD quality and hi res streams on both Tidal and Qobuz. Again, this can vary depending on the recording, and does sometimes require careful listening, but overall I do feel there is an improvement in SQ with high res. Especially with good recordings.

    - Comparing Tidal and Qobuz hi res, I feel Qobuz has a slight edge but, really, it's not night and day by any means and honestly most of the time it's very hard to tell at all.

    - If we use JEITA/JAS definition of high res audio (minimum of 96 kHz sample rate and 24-bit depth), to my ears and on my equipment there is very little, if any, difference above that.

    - Lastly I will say that I have a Marantz SACD player which, even though is over ten years old, consistently tops all of the above. There is quite a noticeable difference.

    For reference, I have a Powernode 2i connected to a pair of Wharfedale Evo 4.2 speakers.


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