Networked song tab showing "Couldn't load content"




  • Official comment
    Mark T.
    Sr. Support Crew Member

    Hi Rob,

    I've escalated your feedback to a support request.

    A member of our support crew will reach out to you soon.

    Thanks forĀ #LivingHiFi

  • Robert

    Any update on this? I seem to have the exact same issue.

    Networked song tab showing "Couldn't load content" on android devices. All other categories such as "Albums" and "Artists" show all files no problem in BluOS Controller. On PC no problem "Songs" all appear.

    (in my case I have Mac instead of PC but it works fine there, only on Android it has issue).

    Details where having issues:
    Android App: 4.4.3
    Build number: 2989
    BluOS: 4.4.19
    Model: Node 2

  • Rob Greenwood

    Still haven't heard anything!

  • Robert

    Hey Rob,

    I have a large library (>45k songs) and seems that could be a factor.
    I'm testing now how things work with a smaller library (temporarily moving some songs aside ... rebuilding index now with just under 44k songs) and will update in the ticket with my results.
    This should work in either case (as it does on non-android devices) but it will help knowing if library size is a common factor in our issues...

  • Rob Greenwood

    I believe it is, I've tried different numbers,

    seems under 5000 seems to work

  • Robert

    It at least works fine for me with about 25k tracks. I didn't test continuously to see where the limit is but at 40k it no longer works. I am dead certain I've had well over 30k tracks in my library for years and probably about or just over 40k for at least a couple years, so it's possible I/we hit a limit recently BUT I feel quite sure the issue with Android app is something new ... i.e. until recently this was working fine and the few albums I may have added recently have nothing to do with it.

    That's my 25 cents.

  • Tony W.
    Product Support Manager

    Please continue to work with the Support Crew on this matter...

    The issue is being caused by bad metadata on a particular track. They will be happy to give you tips to help identify.

    moderator's note - individual support requests are not viewable to anyone but the individual requester for privacy reasons.

  • Robert

    Hey Rob
    I just managed to solve my issue by reducing library size (to around 20k-25k tracks).
    After that, "Songs" showed fine in Android.
    The funny part:
    I then put back ALL my tracks (45k - NO changes to any of the tracks or metadata) and rebuilt index again. After that "Songs" showed normal again. YMMV
    They just released a new controller version (iOS and Android) and they suggested I upgrade. Maybe there's a fix in there also BUT I can't confirm since my issue is now gone and I had not yet updated the controller...

  • Robert

    Scrap the above...after upgrading player (note: I don't have a controller update yet but the player did get an update) the issue has returned...

  • Tony W.
    Product Support Manager

    Hi Robert - please continue to work with our escalated Support on your existing request...

  • Rob Greenwood

    Thanks Tony and team for your continued support, I've worked with your team for some time. Including allowing your collogues to access my computer to check my network. No solution, I've also checked all Metadata, everything is legit. I also have threads open regarding delay issues with Earc, again has not been solved.

    If metadata was the issue then why does it work in the PC BluOS controlller.

    I'm sorry to pry....but getting frustrated.

    I will work with you guys but its been over a year.

  • Tony W.
    Product Support Manager

    We are trying to find the solution too and - the best way to do that is to continue to work offline as you described we have been.

  • Rob Greenwood

    Ok Tony, 10 4


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