Small doubt about Pulse Sub+ RCA feed




  • Official comment
    Mark T.
    Sr. Support Crew Member

    Hi Jordi,

    Sorry for missing this post. Regarding your request, RCA connection takes priority over wireless connection.

    If you require a 1:1 support regarding your audio setup, I highly suggest submitting a support request.

    Thanks for #LivingHiFi

  • Jordi Vilanova

    No one has any idea?
    I usually use my BlueSound ecosystem to listen to music (wich is great) but I'm an old guy and next to the PowerNode sits an old, fun and hot italian tube amp fed with a dac that has a subwoofer rca output and I would like to use my Pulse Sub+ with my vintage system.

    Main speakers are already connected to a very nice speaker switch.
    So I'm figuring out how to use the Pulse Sub on both amplifiers without breaking my back swapping cables.
    Thanks in any case.

  • Seppi Evans

    In the BluOS App please select Settings, Send Support Request, so the Bluesound Support Crew can help you further.

  • Jordi Vilanova

    Thank you very much @Seppi for your suggestion, I'm really happy with my setup and it's amazing how much improves the sound the subwoofer integration and how easy is to do it with BluOs. 

    For other interested BlueSound users, I did manage to use both subs on my system (one plugged into the rca ouput of the powernode and the Pulse Sub+ paired wiresly with one of the rear flex and everything grouped on a Home Theater group) and the results where really amazing (also that you may put the Pulse Sub+ anywhere because of it's low profile and wireless setup) and everything sound perfectly synced.

    So if you only have one RCA sub on your Home Theatre Bluos setup, adding another one using a Pulse Sub+ is quite a thing !

    Thanks again.


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