Current track not shown in Tidal




  • Official comment
    Anders Norrlid

    Had a brief conversation with NAD support crew, and they also could replicate the behaviour so I do not think we are the only ones to experience this. They said they had transmitted the info to the development team, this was June 14, but could not give a date when it would be fixad. Anyway, since they seem to have solved this problem before, lets hope the can dust off that solution and apply it once again!

    I have a Bluesound module in a NAD C368 amplifier, and have not noticed the kind of problems with connectivity you mention, must be extremely annoying.

  • Alex

    I'd say that this is relatively recent regression. It used to work for me perfectly in V3.x (so it was probably fixed at some point after the post you are referring to). I am having the same issue here and it's super annoying. Tidal simply forgets there's an active session and you are not able to control playback from the app. And that's when I can use Tidal Connect at all. My Powernode 2i is often not showing in the list of devices I can connect to. This also seem to be a new issue. Not sure where the problem is (BluOS or Tidal) but, again, very frustrating.

  • Luciano Merighi

    I got the same behavior, if I understood well, Tidal connect now playing display on the cell phone, at given point stucks and doesn't change following next songs, while Bluos now playing display, keeps showing correctly.

    This happens any time I left lock screen coming on cell phone.

    I have to say that such Tidal connect behavior happens also when streamer is a WiiM (not only Bluos) and it's related on Samsung Android 14 devices only. Other Android brands and iPhone don't have this behavior. 

  • Anders Norrlid

    Luciano, I do use a Samsung, Android 14. So who who do you think has to do the fix here: Tidal, Samsung, Google or Bluesound?

  • Luciano Merighi

    I don't know... I'm thinking the main reason lies in the way Samsung manages power of background apps but maybe even Tidal could do something.

    I already advised Tidal support but I don't remember answers. As for Samsung, I don't know how to reach support about a quirk like this.

    Not sure but I remember this appeared after some android or Tidal update, months ago. 

    Don't think Bluos has any responsibility in this case, since even on WiiM streamers there is the same behavior. 

  • Alex

    Hi all, I did some more digging on this one.. basically it's an issue with Tidal and Samsung's default power optimisation setting for the Tidal app. The fix is as follows:

    On your Samsung device, go to Settings/Apps/Tidal/Battery. Change the setting from Optimised to Unrestricted. 

    Restart the phone (this will bring back your Bluesound device in the list of available Connect endpoints).

    Your Tidal Connect will now work just fine, even after lock screen kicks in.

    The root cause seems to be that, in Optimised mode, OneUI shuts down Tidal Connect in order to preserve battery. Not sure if Tidal can work around this or they have to coordinate with Samsung. I will log an issue with both.


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