Home Theater Rear Speakers losing sync - while playing music.




  • Official comment
    Tony W.
    Product Support Manager

    Hy Byron

    As always in these cases, we recommend contacting our Support Crew by selecting Settings, Send Support Request in the App so we may review log files and provide more 1:1 troubleshooting.


  • Bryon Black

    Some more observations: 

    Seems like the music plan + sync with the Home Theater Group has to do with the Virtualizer, flip the Virtualizer on while playing music, stuff gets echo-y and sounds out of sync in the Group. Flip it off, things sound better and more in sync. 

    Not sure the Virtualizer makes sense for music or there might be other settings that impact how it behaves (IDK). 

  • Bryon Black


    Today I entered support request #423431. 

    I continued to test and diagnose the issue eliminating variables before I submitted a request with the logs. 

    I noticed that the home theater group was seemingly out of sync depending on what music was being played and that seemed to coincide with surround up mixer and virtualizer options. So I turned off both surround up mix and virtualizer for the "Music" preset for the group. The sync issues for the theater group went away since the rear speakers are out of the mix. 


    The other players when grouped to the Home Theater Group (with surround up mix and virtualizer options set to Off) come out of sync with HTG.  This for me is the larger issue.

    I understand when using the surround and up mix/virtualizer will add in some delay and echo as a part of surround up mix, and this can be mitigated by turning of the UP mix and virtualizer for playing music.

    But for me the other players coming out of sync with the HTG is way more annoying (especially for my wife :( )  and the  area I would like assistance diagnosing. 

    I Look forward to hearing from you regarding the request #423431. 


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