

  • Official comment
    Andrew H.
    Brand Manager

    Qobuz is a valued partner and we await learning about the details of the connect model from them.  Once we have assessed the technical documents then we can be in a position to better respond.

  • Seppi Evans

    Sorry the link you posted requires a login.

    But yes, the connect feature is due very soon now.

  • Gerben

    Quote from the article (bold marking is from the article):

    We don't yet have a release date, as that also depends on external factors such as the integration of each manufacturer, but the project is moving forward. We invite you to encourage your favorite supplier to contact us and develop Connect together!

  • Brian

    At Qobuz's invitation and as a Qobuz subscriber I encourage Bluesound to provide Qobuz with the necessary assistance to make Qobuz Connect work with Bluesound devices.

  • Gregory Emery

    Thanks Andrew for your answer ! Let's hope it will happen rapidly...

  • Andrew H.
    Brand Manager

    Nothing is "rapid" in Connect models lol, it is something you need to be extra careful with.  Be assured it will get the attention it deserves.

  • Gregory Emery

    I understand it. Better to have a well implemented function than frustrations. Still the wait has been long !

  • Alex

    +1 on prioritising Qobuz Connect please! The wait from Qobuz has been looooong. Let's hope things can accelerate from here. IMHO it would make a lot users happy. 

  • Seppi Evans

    ^^^ Alex, yes it’s taking Qobuz ages (years) to get to this stage and still not quite ready for release. Once released we are still going to have to wait for it to be implemented within the BluOS ecosystem.

    EDIT However I am more intrigued by the upcoming HDTracks streaming service as they cater for my music choice better.

  • Alex

    Hmm, ok we'll keep our eyes open on what the new service has to offer. Qobuz is a pretty mature, polished service by now. I was a bit surprised when I saw the Lenbrook & HDTracks announcement. Feels like a pretty competitive and crowded market already. Hope they have a good plan.

    EDIT: As a BluOS/Bluesound/NAD ecosystem user, I don't feel like I am lacking choice in streaming services. I'd like to see more frequent BluOS updates and improvements. Same for hardware. Pulse, Mini, and Flex are still on 2i generations.


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