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  • Official comment

    Hi Gary;

    Another Bluesound user here. 

    The sequence is determined by the metadata associated with the tracks, clearly the metadata is incorrect in the case you cite. Depending on where you have the tracks stored (NAS, USB, Vault) you can access them from a computer and use software to correct the error. The tag editing software varies depending on operating system and personal preferences. I'm on a Mac and use Yate which has a free trial. MP3 tagger among other apps is available for windows.

    Should you need assistance locating your files submit a support request either in BluOS or by clicking the Support link at the bottom right of this screen. That way Bluesound support can provide assistance for your specific needs.

  • Ian Shepherd

    Hi Gary

    Brian is pointing you in the right direction.

    Are you familiar with the term 'metadata' in the context of ripped CDs?

    As a new Vault user in late 2017 I didn't have a clue, and it took me a year or two to get my head around the topic and learn how to fix issues such as yours - and there were lots of them!

    Bluesound ought to be able to help, but they'll need to understand your actual level of knowledge in order to be truly helpful.


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