Feature request: Don't show album title when there is none in the meta data




  • Official comment
    Tony W.
    Product Support Manager

    Hi Han

    The other option is to correct your metadata on your file; https://support.bluos.net/hc/en-us/articles/360042352294-What-is-Metadata

    The vast majority of music has metadata added when you digitise it. All streaming service and authorised download sites include prepackaged metadata.

  • Han


    This question certainly is not answered! I know what metadata is. Why do you assume that my metadata is not correct? The Album field simply isn't there/empty. Why does BluOS show unknown?


  • Tony W.
    Product Support Manager

    Hi Han

    If the album title is empty, then it is Unknown. Software cannot tell whether or not you intentionally left it blank. Consider putting two spaces in the album title so as a null like content is there for the software to recognise.

  • Han

    Hello Tony,

    Thank you for engaging with me in this conversation! Why not make the software a bit more intelligent?
    If the "Album" field is populated then show it. If not don't show that line. Can't be that hard to code.
    Since my collection consists of separate songs not belonging to an album, I don't populate the "Album" field.

    As you might know one can connect the NAD M33 with HDMI to a TV/monitor. If one looks at the picture the M33 is sending to the TV/monitor it shows exactly what I would like: "Artist" and "Title" and no "Album". So it can be done...




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