Service unavailable Android "Could not load content"
AnsweredI have 1 album on my NAS that gives the message "Service unavailable" and then "Could not load content" on my Android pone.
Also tried to put the album on the usb stick.
Even downloaded an "iligal" copy from internet, same message
But when I acces the album with the windows BluOS controller, it works fine.
How should I fix this? I have BluOS App 4.4.1 Build 2967 on my phone.
Official comment
Thank you for your continued patience on this matter. We have in fact identified a root cause of this problem only affecting Amazon Music and its various tiers. We are currently testing a fix in our QA but may take some time. Look for an update in mid to late July to resolve this issue.
We do apologise for the undue delay in finding this one and getting a fix out.
I'm also seeing the Service Unavailable for one (maybe others not yet identified) of my albums on my NAS when accessed from the Android App. Loads ok from the Windows App. The Official Comment implies the problem is only associated with Amazon which is clearly not the case.
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Thanks for the quick response Tony,
But the issue is exactly as the OP described. Guessing, I'd say 1 out of 50 albums of my 900+ CD rips on my Vault2 will show up in my Albums list with artwork on my Android Tablet. When I click on the album cover I get the warning "Service Unavailable" and an opportunity to try again, which never works. But if I come from the artist, it lists some but not all songs on that album and I use the 3-dots to to "go to album". That works every time and there is no problem on my Win 11 PC with the same album. I have rebuilt index in from both locations in the BluOS menu. Has this issue been resolved and I have some thing else or are you guys still working on the OPs issue, which again, seems the same as mine?
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I am having a similar problem since the recent update,of the 300 or so albums I listen to about %90 when I search for them message says content couldn't be loaded,tried resetting router and tablet,tried rebooting node x,and forced hotspot mode and set up again,nothing helps,getting fed up of listening to the same 30 albums now,am using Amazon music,considering swapping to Qobuz but same might happen,maybe Bluos just hates smooth jazz,need help,thanks.
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Hi Niels,
Lets start by restarting the network and BluOS players entirely. After everything is back online, let's proceed with rebuilding the index. Once that's done, could you check if the problem still persists?If you encounter any further difficulties with your music library, kindly reach out to us by submitting a support request through the BluOS app. In the BluOS app, navigate to BluOS >> Settings >> Send Support Request.
Thanks for #LivingHiFi0 -
Thank you Mark,
This didn't help unfortunatly.
I've send a support request.
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This is a bug in Android apps 4.4.0 and 4.4.1, but not in 4.2.4 or Windows app.
Apparent cause: this happens to albums that have in the metadata
1. An album artist, AND
2. An artist that is the same for each track of the albumAffected are albums containing one or more tracks, thus including singles.
Shall submit full bug report shortly.
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Hi Niels,
Temporary fix would be downgrading the Android app to 4.2.4 and disabling automatic updates in Play Store. Android app 4.4.x has come with a handful bugs unfortunately, none of them present in 4.2.x.
Kind regards,
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Hi Gerben,
4.2.4 fixed the problem.
I also removed the album artist from the meta data (before downgrading the app), that didn't help anything.
Kind regards,
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Look for a release of the BluOS App fro Android 4.4.2 in the next 48-72 hours which should resolve this issue.
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Hi Tony,
Unfortunately 4.4.2 has not fixed this bug.
The bug since 4.4.0 that no blue progress bar is shown underneath the currently playing track is also still present. Highly inconvenient, especially for classical albums with lots of tracks.
Both these bugs were not present in 4.2.3 and 4.2.4. Downgrading to 4.2.4 again :-(
Kind regards,
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Hi everyone,
just being here to confirm that I face the same issues since the prevoisly mentioned updates.
Installing the latest update did not change anything for me.I can also confirm that it has to be an issue with the metadata.
Yet I can't fully see the pattern as described by Gerben here, at least not for the albums that seem to be affected for me. Still, playing around with the Artist and Album Artist tags seems to "solve" the issue.Another bug that came right with the problem discussed here, is the constant stop of the re-index process.
I need several attempts to fully index my collection, making the issue of temporally fixing the problems described in this thread a constant annoyance.Please fix this as soon as possible!
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Hi Bjoern,
What I describe is just what I found in my collection to be a trigger for this bug, which is fully reproducible, confirmed by support as well.
However, there could be a dozen other triggers very different from the one I found. So you may have a different issue, not necessarily related to the tags I described. What I did was comparing the tags of the albums giving this error and trying to find a common factor. As an example: on another bug I found specific characters in specific specific tags messing up the display of cover art.
Shall post my full bug report of 13 June hereafter.
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For information to all, already reported to BluOS/Bluesound on 13 June:
Bug report: error when opening certain library albums
What's wrong: When trying to open certain library albums, a "Service Unavailable" error is given. After clicking OK, the screen shows error "Couldn't Load Content".
Things that do work: Despite this error, instead of opening, it is possible to play the album straight from the listing of albums. Once playing, it is also possible to open the album by selecting "Go to album" from the Now Playing screen.
Apparent cause: this happens to albums that have in the metadata
1. An album artist, AND
2. An artist that is the same for each track of the albumAffected:
- Android apps 4.4.0 and 4.4.1, tested on two different Android 14 devices
- mp3, m4a and flac files, other formats have not been tried
- albums containing one or more tracks, thus including singlesNot affected:
- Android app 4.2.4
- Windows desktop application 4.2.1
- Albums accessed though the New listingAdditional info:
- BluOS 4.4.11 on Node 2i
Steps to reproduce:
1. Create some suitable test albums containing one or more tracks with for each album an artist and an album artist defined and being the same within that album. E.g.:
Album=album1, each track Artist=artist1, each track Album Artist=albumartist1
2. Place on USB stick or add to network share
3. Attach USB stick to Node or reindex network share
4. Go to Library or USB as appropriate
5. Select Albums
6. Open the test album0 -
Hi Gerben,
thanks for the additional info.
Indeed, there might be different triggers. I can't fully see a pattern yet, especially because it seems to work for some albums but not for others. But it has to do with the artist and album artist tags for sure.
If these albums also cause the re-index issue I experience, I don't know.
But I'm not willing to completely change my naming conventions yet.
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Hi Tony,
Thanks for the feedback. Can you be so kind to clarify the scope of your response.
- The original post by Niels as well as my bug report both relate to this error occurring when playing from library / network share or USB device connected to the player.
- The post by Stuart as well as your updated comment both relate to Amazon Music.
Is the root cause you have found only going to resolve item 2, or will it resolve item 1 as well?
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I got so fed up waiting for this to be resolved I switched to Qobuz,and glad I did,sound quality is superior to Amazon music and no content couldn't be loaded bs,actually done me a favour,but I feel for you guys still having problems 😐
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I have three three separate location node setups using amazon and had no problem until recently. Looking now at Cambridge to upgrade as this problem is unacceptable when I pay for a service and the streamer stops working. Party will have to listen to canned stations and no individual requests for artists!
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Hi Alan, my original post was about NAS, not Amazon.
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Hi Alan,
Just like Niels my bug report related to the local library, both via network share as well as via USB connected device. Temporary workaround is to downgrade the Android 4.4.x app to version 4.2.4, which also avoids the other half dozen bugs associated with 4.4.x. Note you shall have to unflag "Enable auto-update" in Google Play for the BluOS app to avoid automatic upgrade after downgrade.
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Gerben to be honest it's not a big problem for me, so far only 1 album has shown up in this way, there may be others but I have a very large library so not going to go through them. It still plays the full album as long as you don't click on the cover. It is strange that this one album has the problem, I tried all sorts of things like deleting all the tag data, removing and adding the album and re-building the index but still the same.
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This problem is still here for a few of my Vault2 Cd rips. For me, in every case the is a " work around" not a fix while the Bluesound crew is hopefully still working on it. Pic the album, get the warning then go to Artist menu, pick the artist then album if more than one album, some music will show beneath, hit the 3-dots on any song and in the menu click on go to album. Done, but this must be done every time for these service unavailable albums.
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Your issue sounds very different. I have escalated it to our Support Crew to take a closer look. They will likely ask for a log file but will be happy to show you how to submit one.
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I recently discovered this issue also. I'm on Android App version 4.4.3. and BluOS 4.4.19 and I'm accessing music locally on my network.
My experience is as Timcognito described.Albums selected from the Album category give this message, Service Unavailable. However if I click on the 3 dots, I can choose Play Now and the albums plays fine. But to access the full album track list I have to click the 3 dots and choose Go to Artist or be in Artist view and scroll down to Songs, and find a song from that album. Then click the 3 dots next to it and choose Go to Album. Only then I can view the Album track list.
The earlier post from the Support Team were not helpful. Restarting the BluOS device (C656) and rebuilding the Index did not resolve the issue. And the problem is not limited to Amazon Music, as I'm using local content. I have not tested every single album as I have hundreds But from the examples I could replicated the error are all Classical Music.
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Also experiencing this issue with about 10% of albums in the library also only via the Album view. Using other views (ie artist, songs, etc) is fine allowing the music to be played.
Seems to be older albums. I've also played around with metadata and file names but to no avail.0 -
I have the same issue - local albums on NAS, Android 14, BluOS 4.4.19, app version 4.4.3 build 2989. Works OK on iPad app version 4.4.1
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Same problemen with an Vault 2.
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Same problem with several classical albums on my Vault2
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But the workaround described by Timcognito above works for me too.
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I have the same problem as Niels: my local library on my NAS, no problem with the windows 11 application, but a definite problem with the android app: "service unavailable".
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