A list of bugs in 4.4.11




  • Official comment
    Mark T.
    Sr. Support Crew Member

    Hi Ian et al,

    Thank you all for your feedback. I have forwarded them to our quality assurance and development team for future update consideration.

  • Christof Bergmann

    are these points still valid with the new version 4.4.12?

  • Ian Shepherd

    No idea since, to my understanding, 4.4.12 wasn't pushed out to everyone, and was certainly not pushed out to my Bluesound Vault 2.

  • Jakob Gooijer

    Nr3 also counts for Samsung phone and Tablets. Since the user interface is gone there's no option to switch back to the older version

  • Ray Proudfoot

    Using 4.4.11 here on Android phone. Music stored on Synology NAS box for years. Had the Node 2i for five years. Now in many albums classed as classical I cannot play the tracks when selecting the album icon. I can play them when clicking the three dots against the album. This suggests something wrong with 4.4.11 updated a couple of weeks ago. Before that all was fine.

  • Ray Proudfoot

    I’ve had to remind Bluesound support this bug is still outstanding. It’s been identified but three weeks later still no fix.


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