Would like to have Front Left, Right and Center channels for home theater.




  • Official comment
    Mark T.
    Sr. Support Crew Member

    Hi Mmik,

    Thank you for your feedback. Rest assured, I will forward them to our quality assurance team for future update consideration.

    Thanks for #LivingHiFi

  • Seppi Evans

    Mmik, there is quite a financial cost of multiple Bluesound devices to do this. If it’s BluOS you seek in a traditional Home Theatre then look at NAD devices (T758 / T778 etc.) as they have a few AV options that include BluOS. Only downside is that you need to run speaker cables.

  • Mmik

    I already have the devices and cost is not an issue. Running using wires for front speakers is ok but for architectural/preservation reasons, running wires to surround speakers is not an option. The whole appeal of the blueos ecosystem is wireless capability. Besides BlueOS support NAD devices offer very little over thousands of other sound processors and av/receivers because like them NAD does not support mixing and matching wires and wireless speakers for multi-channel systems.

  • Seppi Evans

    Wireless is a selling point but mains leads and sockets are still required and harder to hide / install.

  • Mmik

    Luckily, this is not a concern for me.


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