Firmware 4.4.11 Dirac Issue -Solved-

Followed by 15 people



  • Official comment
    Mark T.
    Sr. Support Crew Member

    Hi all,

    We wanted to thank you all for your patience and the valuable feedback you provided regarding the recent issue with our product.

    Thanks to your detailed reports, we have successfully identified the root cause of the problem. We are excited to share that a firmware fix release is now available to address the issue you encountered.

    I wanted to let you know that you will soon receive a notification through the BluOS app about an available firmware update for your product. This update is specifically designed for the affected products, so keep an eye out for it!

  • Gabriel Perles

    Same problem with NAD C399. Dirac filter is not working and volume is increased and distorted. Disabled Dirac for now....

  • Etienne

    Same here with 3050LE. Not even possible to recalibrate. My carefully calibrated sound is gone. I feel like listening to a bass heavy mono sound. Really, really bad.

  • Tom Hurz

    Same problem with NAD C658. Please fix immediately!

    Dirac was the key feature to buy this device.

  • Bob Heuvel

    Dirac fixed a bug recently relating to reduced sound volume on NADs when Dirac was enabled. Perhaps BluOS finally corrected that bug internally and now Dirac overcompensates? Just a (logical) wild guess?

  • Luciano Merighi

    Confirm, with Bluos 4.4.11 on my Nad C3050LE, Dirac got louder and correction is no more effective. I re-generated filter but same result. 

  • Tim

    I have this problem too on nad M33 the speaker gain went up a lot and the subwoofer stayed at the same volume

  • Reese G

    Same problem with the M33.  Enabling Dirac filters creates a significant increase in output whether using stock, NAD or Harman 6,8 or 10db boost.  

    I had always wondered why enabling tone controls or using a MC cartridge made the unit unusable...I would turn to 0db and it was still too quiet for even normal listening perhaps this is the fix?  But the gain seems excessive.  Just want to make sure the gain voltage is a match to the amp so not overdriving it.  Dirac is now twice as loud (or more) than before.  So to your recommendation, will disable for now and wait to hear from your team and Dirac on the solution.

  • Rolf Gehring

    Same problem here with a NAD C399. DIRAC is really loud compared to without Dirac. The Filter seems to work though and I did not notice distortion. I cannot comment weather the filter still works because A/B ing the effect is not possible anymore due to the volume. The volume should be the same with or without DIRAC

  • Dieter Leonard

    The volume on my M33 was never the same Dirac On/Off. Before the Software Update with Dirac-filters engaged, the volume was about 5 dB less loud. Now it is about 10 dB louder. So 15 dB in total the difference before/after.
    Some M33-owner told me, on their M33 the volume was the same Dirac On/Off.

  • Axel

    Same for my C658, reported it yesterday in a different issue. Only want to add my voice to join the „dirac not working“ group

    Roughly +10db also for me and the sound is boomy and less spacious

  • Rolf Gehring

    I would say it was about the same on/off before. It was obviously leaner and therefore might appear to be lower volume . The spl meter on my Apple Watch showed roughly the same values. Which isn’t a precise measurement of course.

  • Patrick

    Wow, that was a really fast reaction. 4.4.12 solved the Dirac issue in my system. Thanks a lot!! Great support!

  • Tim has fixed the issue for me ,thanks!

  • Gabriel Perles fixed the issue. Thanks, great job !

  • Reese G fixed my M33 as well, thank you.

  • Etienne

    Fastest ever fix! Contrats to bluos team. Dirac filters now acting as they used to for my geatest enjoyment

  • Ken Neill

    Thank you for the quick fix!

  • Daniel Parsons

    Bluetooth connectivity is nonfunctional on 4.4.12

    I was in the middle of redoing my subwoofer placement and Dirac calibration and installed the 4.4.11 update partway thru. I spent the next  few hours trying to discover why all the changes I tried made everything sound so horrible =( At first I was excited they found an optimization that gave us a ~10dB more headroom and it wasn't until I came here I realized the actual issue.

    "Bluos pushing a system breaking update" is not a random variable that should even come up---I regret my purchasing these unreliable products but I can make a better decision next time.

  • Axel

    Dirac Issue is solved for me, thanks for the quick fix

  • Dieter Leonard

    After the update and the first time since I own the M33 (4years) the volume Dirac on/off is the same. Before Dirac on was up to 5 dB less loud.🤷🏻‍♂️

  • Mark T.
    Sr. Support Crew Member

    Hi Daniel,

    I've escalated your feedback to a support request. A member of our support team will reach out to you soon.

  • Rolf Gehring

    Thanks for the quick fix. However it still seems to be there if analog bypass is activated.
    It is still substantially louder with Dirac in this case.

  • C Hoess

    Hello, following this conversation and really looking forward to have these new issues of ver 4.4.11 fixed. The new version 4.4.12 does not seem to solve that either. This is more than annoying. what is the professional solution from your side?

  • Mark T.
    Sr. Support Crew Member

    Hi C,

    I see you have submitted a support request. A member of our support crew will reach out to you shortly.

  • Doug Iles

    For me and my NADC3050LE, 4.4.12 has the DIRAC on/off volumes difference improved, so thankyou. However, volume for both is much louder than before 4.4.11. Probably 12dB? I run it as a fixed level preamp into another intergrated valve amp, so I quickly noticed this. Was this intentional?


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