Amazon Search leads to error message with iOS App 4.4.0




  • Official comment
    Tony W.
    Product Support Manager


    Please see this duplicate thread Official Response;

    Thank you for your continued patience on this matter. We have in fact identified a root cause of this problem only affecting Amazon Music and its various tiers. We are currently testing a fix in our QA but may take some time. Look for an update in mid to late July to resolve this issue. 

    We do apologise for the undue delay in finding this one and getting a fix out.


    I am closing this thread, feel free to comment on that one for news on this issue.

  • Art

    Hint regarding Amazon Search:
    Searching for "Scofield" instead of "John Scofield" does the trick here.

    All in all I'm pleased about iOS App 4.4.0 & BluOS 4.4.11.

    @Dear BluOS Team:
    Please do not consider to introduce the "new" TuneIn interface:
    Don't like the commercials added by TuneIn when switching to another radio station
    (this will kill browsing through station lists).
    Don't like it when my extensive and complex TuneIn favorites will disappear.
    And I don't like this pricey TuneIn "Premium".



  • Mark T.
    Sr. Support Crew Member

    Hi Art,

    Thank you for your feedback. I will forward them to our quality assurance team for update consideration.

  • Todd Watson

    @Art - you just nailed the issue I'm having.  I've been able to search for some artists, but not others with the same results.  I just searched for Jesse Rice and received the "Can't Load Content" error, but I replicated your search for Miles Davis and wouldn't you know, no issues.  This explains why I've been getting mixed results (and why reinstalling the app doesn't seem to fix the issue).  Thank you sir!!

    @Mark T., to add to this issue, this behavior exists on iOS only.  A search for Jesse Rice on MacOS returns the desired results.

  • Idai Kobayashi

    I'm a Japanese user and having the same issue after upgrading BluOS Controller App to 4.4.0.

    For example, searching for "Bill Evans" works fine, but searching for "rei harakami" results in a "コンテンツが読み込めません" error (in English: "Could not load content").

    So I checked the communication with mitmproxy.
    And I found that if I got the error, the server closed the connection.

    ⭕️: Searching for "Bill Evans"

      Content is a valid XML encoded with gzip. 👍

    ❌: Searching for "rei harakami"

      No response. (server closed connection) 👎

  • Todd Watson

    Ok - seems like the user community has done the legwork and identified the issue. @Bluesound - you have the next move. Can we get this fixed? I’m running three systems on Blue devices. Really Ike the product but this is a huge detractor.

  • Tony W.
    Product Support Manager

    Thanks for the feed back Idai (links removed for vulnerability reasons)

    This is indicating a fault on the Amazon server not returning incomplete or not found results, possible due to regional licensing issues. Amazon Music is very regional in how music is distributed. 

    Todd - what we have reported is the fact that this unresolved search is not reporting back a much more friendly "results not found" or "We could not locate this Artist" rather than the generic timeout you are seeing.

  • Todd Watson

    @Tony W - I'm not sure I see this as an Amazon server issue - with regards to the regional licensing issue,  I am using MacOS to find artists from the same regional location that iOS returns an error - so that theory doesn't hold water.  Unless Amazon enforces different rules for iOS, then additional research will be needed to determine why iOS can't achieve the same results.  I look forward to a resolution.

  • Art

    @Tony W
    I'd like to underline Todd's arguments.
    And I want to ask you why this issue did not exist with BluOS User Interface 3.

  • Todd Watson

    @Tony W - somehow I missed the search trick above - @Art, good catch - to search by last name of the artist and I was able to find Jesse Rice by searching for Rice on iOS.  Seems like there's an issue in how Bluesound is passing the search attributes or how Amazon is interpreting them in certain use cases.  We can rule out a name with a space as "Miles Davis" returns expected results with a space between first and last names.

  • SED

    I am also experiencing the same Amazon search problem on IOS. Any updates on a fix?


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