Vault Not In Windows Directory
AnsweredFollowed by 2 people
I recently replaced my Vault2 with a a 2i model and used Windows file directory to transfer my (extensive) music collection over from a back up. No problems. Used MP3tTag on some of the files on the new Vault to correct metadata issues going through Windows as well. No problems. Yesterday I ripped a new CD and the metadata came out with Japanese text. Thought I’d go into Windows and edit using MP3Tag again but can’t find the Vault listed on the network tree on Windows. Restarted my computer, rebooted my Vault, rebooted my modem, unplugged the Vault all to no avail. Eventually put my Vault’s IP address into Windows file directory and was able to access my music files that way but it still isn’t showing up on my file directory. Any suggestions? By the way, I have two computers in my home and neither of them show the Vault on my network even though both previously did. Also, no problem seeing my music library and playing music within BluOS.
Official comment
Hi Don
Due to security concerns, MS Windows disabled network browsing in SMB 2.1 (Known as Simple Windows File Sharing). This is normal and no longer available since 2018 time frame.
You will have to manually enter the IP Address or create a Shortcut.
Well, everything was fine and it was visible in my network tree for me to copy around 45k song files a couple of weeks ago. But, I’ll use the method you describe. Thank you.
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