

  • Official comment
    Tony W.
    Product Support Manager

    Hi Jan

    The Settings Menu applies to the currently selected Player. You will have to switch Players then re-open the Settings Menu.

  • Jan Van Bogaert

    How do I "switch player" ? The players are grouped, I can not select individual players in the app as far as I know.

  • Tony W.
    Product Support Manager

    "Switch Players" was a hyper link in my response... to here;


  • Jan Van Bogaert

    The link explains how to group players, i did not find any reference to switching players for adjusting things like maximum volume in a not-master device. Or are you suggesting that I break the group before doing the adjustments? This is however difficult as my audio source is connected on the optical input on the main device...

  • Mark T.
    Sr. Support Crew Member

    Hi Jan,

    Using the image below, you can adjust both BluOS devices' volume using the master slider (orange box).

    If you want to adjust each individual's volume level, you can do this by adjusting the volume slider (yellow box) under each BluOS player.

    If you want to go to the audio settings of each player, you can click on the context menu (blue box), and then select audio settings. This will open up the selected audio settings. To learn more about audio settings, please click on this link.

    If you need more assistance, please don't hesitate to contact us via email at or by using the send support link within the BluOS app.

  • Jan Van Bogaert

    Thanks Mark.

    The blue box does the trick!



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