Inconsistent layout of Bluos app (version 4)



  • Chris Tyas

    The v4 UI is horrendous: inconsistent and inefficient.

    My S24 Ultra has 7 vertical icons on the home screen. All useable with zero issues.

    In Bluos Android app 4.2.4 I get 3.5 UI elements vertically on the home screen (including the current playing bar at the bottom):

     7 on favourites, 6 on Music and 5/6 in players depending on player groups etc.

    Every tab has different icon size and/or spacing. It's the most inefficient use of screen real estate of any app I use. Looks clunky and old fashioned and toytown or as if it was designed for people with accessibility issues or children. I've no issue with designing for accessibility but should be an option in the UI or tied to accessibility options in OS.

  • KriHad


  • Em Jo

    What Chris Tyas says is bang-on: it's a waste of space with 3.5 usable elements.

    Spotify shows 9, because they simply don't waste space.

  • Frank

    Hope for a reaction from the support team and start actions to improve.

  • Frank

    Thanks for starting with a more consistent interface... Not all is correct, but I appreciate the start of it!

  • Tony W.
    Product Support Manager

    Thanks Frank

    Over 250 pages in 3 different platforms. We knew we weren't going to get to all of them off the bat so you are now seeing phase ii of that progress. Agreed still some work to do but we will get there.


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