Qobuz 17203926




  • Official comment
    Tony W.
    Product Support Manager

    HI James

    This error is coming from Qobuz suggesting the song you are listening to (#17203926 in their server database) is currently unavailable...

    A combination of logging out and back in, rebooting your player and/or your router generally fixes that... unless for whatever reason Qobuz moved the song. If other tracks are playing fine in Qobuz it is likely that song. This is very rare...

    Logging out and back in solves this most times, rebooting the router fixes other times to clear the DNS cache on your router.

  • Rays Jazz

    Try deleting the BluOs App and reinstalling it. Try powering off your device, ie iPad, phone etc.

    There have been lots of problems lately on BluOs with Tidal, Amazon and Qobuz.

  • James Fisher

    Hi Tony


    Thanks for that. I knew qobuz hadn't moved the song as I could play it on other devices.


    rebooted player, wifi router and modem. Signed out of qobuz and back in. Left it overnight. Now had it playing all morning!


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