4.2.6 upgrade has bricked 3 of my players!




  • Official comment
    Tony W.
    Product Support Manager

    Thanks for your feedback James - I have escalated you to our Support Crew - they will be in touch but I'd just leave them until you hear from us.

    For others - email us at support@bluesound.com

  • James Connor

    After waiting 60 mins and endless recycles I thought fk it and did a factory reset on the devices using a macbook instead of ipad and now have my devices up and running again.

    Not sure if the ipad struggles with the firmware updates.

  • Tony W.
    Product Support Manager

    Shouldn't have mattered - the unplug - plug back in likely fixed it... I will cancel the request

  • James Connor

    I tried the unplug for 30 seconds several times before a full on reset.

  • Turnthegun

    Accidentally did the update today and now my Node just isn't showing up. Really great stuff Bluesound, great work.

  • Andrew H.
    Brand Manager

    4.2.6 is Tidal Connect and some small bugs that were updated.  There wasn't anything in there that could have caused issues. In fact part of the process before release is for all players in the lab to do upgrade/downgrade testing several versions several times so if anything like that showed up it wouldn't have been released

  • James Connor

    While the upgrade may have been small it is not isolated, I had similar replies on reddit.

    The only way for to stop the constant loop was a full factory reset on all 3 of my bluesound devices.

    I consider myself fairly tech savvy and have 3 of your premium products. 

  • Andrew H.
    Brand Manager

    Thanks James, I'll check with QA on it as it makes no sense to me.. I do apologize that you had the issues, it was supposed to clean up issues...

  • Tarass Vercesuks


    I also have an issue with soundbar+ and 4.2.6 update (support request sent) - and unfortunately, all standard solutions (reset, moving to wired LAN) have not helped. So now my soundbar is only good for providing solid red LED light and nothing else. It seems there is something wrong with this version still.

  • Tony W.
    Product Support Manager

    Hi Tarass

    I see you have opened a request with our Support Crew on this matter - glad to hear and that is always your best bet


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